Which combination would work best?

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Hi all,

Looking for some advice. I’m building up my setup to be more expressive. Core system will be:

* Moog Matriarch
* Linnstrument
* PC with Expert Sleepers ES8
* Expressive E touché with CV

I’m looking at completing the setup with the Eaganmatrix - do not have the heart right now for a Continuum. So options are a continuumini vs the Eaganmatrix Module.

Mini offers an additional playing surface where I see some mixed reviews on. But a playing surface nonetheless. The module offers flexibility through CV.

Question in this case, am I missing something significant playing the Eaganmatrix with the Linnstrument vs Linnstrument + mini?

Thank you!


The internal resolution in the mini is higher. They call it MPE+. But when I checked it out, the Linnstrument plays nicely with the mini as well… I am also contemplating to get a continuumini… The module would only be interesting if I had a modular…


The Mini plays very well with the Linnstrument and its smaller Y axis compared to the other Continua (?) means many presets work very well with the LS out of the box. I like building my own sounds normally but have zero interest in learning to program the EaganMatrix.

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