Questions on UAD-2 Satellite

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Hi all,

I have PreSonus 1824c interface and I'm using Studio One.
For a long while, I wanted to monitor my mic input while singing with FX and zero delay, I know normally this isn't that possible. Because even when I use Auto-Tune, Preamp, and Comp while monitoring I have almost a second of delay. This becomes even more impossible as I start mixing the song and then recording the vocal.

So, I saw UAD's Satellite but I can't get the information I'm looking for.
If I get that Satellite unit, will I be able to:

1. Monitor my vocals without any delay no matter how many plugins I run through the Satellite.
2. To directly put DSP plugins to S1's input fx rack and record my vocal through the fx? (For instance, preamp)

And finally, how many plugins can I run through UAD-2 Satellite USB?
Right now, I'm thinking of this monitor chain:
Opto or FET Comp

Would it be enough for these?

EDIT: Or would it be wiser to buy something like Apollo Solo USB Heritage Edition and record/monitor my vocal (and maybe guitar) through it and still use 1824c for my synths and outputs.

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