FX track sends in API

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I have a java extension that I'm updating. I'm trying to make use of the new(ish) feature that enables sends for FX tracks (including self feedback).

It would seen logical that as long as it's been activated, FX sends could be mapped and manipulated through the API in the same way as regular Track sends, using TrackBank.

That said, I'm not aware of any updates to the documentation covering this and it just doesn't work for me...

I'm using version 4.3.10 using api version 17.

My code works fine for normal tracks / track groups but doesn't have any effect on fx tracks in the TrackBank.

Does anyone know anything about this?


What are you using to build the trackbank? And what parameters are you setting on that method?


I'm building the trackbank with host.createTrackBank(groupSize, sendsCount, 0, nested=false).

When the trackbank is created in a set with Tracks and Fx Tracks, when the FX tracks come into scope of the trackBank (eg though deleting Tracks, or inserting new FX tracks in a group), the FX tracks sends don't get mapped.

.... update .... after a fair bit more debugging I've discovered that it DOES work, but ONLY if nested=true.

I suspect that behind the scenes, based on the logic of group FX tracks, FX tracks are parented by some invisible group, or maybe the master track itself.

This is quite annoying for my use case, but at least I've got to the bottom of it.


That last parameter is use flat track list so it seems you have the Boolean reversed. Still I know what you are talking about. I guess depending on your use case you'll find a format that works


Ahhh, ok it's the horrible "lets keep all the groups open all the time" pattern.

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