Midi Mutator ??????

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I had a quick look on it but I really have no idea what this could/should do to be honest :?:

It does not look like it can make for a chord a strumming or arp so I really wonder what it is intended for ? Just shopping a chord into peaces and change the timing ? Evry app/vst/sequencer I use while generating the chord progression could do this for me while generating that progression.

Some explanation/video on this would be really great. I have Melodya and that was instantly clear (at least from general intention) but this one :help:


The ability to transform _existing_ MIDI files was completely missing from RapidComposer, and there was a demand for that. In the MIDI Mutator you start working by dropping a MIDI file on the workspace, rather than starting editing from scratch. Its logic is slightly different:

This is how MIDI Mutator is different from other tools in RapidComposer

1. You work with absolute notes instead of chord-relative or scale-relative notes (although chord and scale notes are displayed with different colors for your convenience)
2. The notes determine the chords which are updated after each editing step. Here the chords depend on the notes instead of notes depending on chords as it happens in RC.
3. Chords are not displayed for monophonic patterns in the MIDI Mutator, only for polyphonic notes.
4. You typically work on imported MIDI rather than starting editing from scratch. The MIDI Mutator is about modifying an existing MIDI track.
5. Notes are the most important here. All editing and transformations are destructive but you can get back to previous notes (undo) or save a good sequence (click on the 'heart' button)

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


musicdevelopments wrote: Tue Jun 14, 2022 4:48 pm The ability to transform _existing_ MIDI files was completely missing from RapidComposer, and there was a demand for that. In the MIDI Mutator you start working by dropping a MIDI file on the workspace, rather than starting editing from scratch. Its logic is slightly different:

This is how MIDI Mutator is different from other tools in RapidComposer

1. You work with absolute notes instead of chord-relative or scale-relative notes (although chord and scale notes are displayed with different colors for your convenience)
2. The notes determine the chords which are updated after each editing step. Here the chords depend on the notes instead of notes depending on chords as it happens in RC.
3. Chords are not displayed for monophonic patterns in the MIDI Mutator, only for polyphonic notes.
4. You typically work on imported MIDI rather than starting editing from scratch. The MIDI Mutator is about modifying an existing MIDI track.
5. Notes are the most important here. All editing and transformations are destructive but you can get back to previous notes (undo) or save a good sequence (click on the 'heart' button)

Thanks for explanation, so it seems its mainly an addon-tool to RC and something with a complete different workflow (notes to chords).

Think I would have to try it out to see if it could do anything really all the other tools I already have cant do.

Still a little hard to imagine from description only :wink:


How do you import midi into program? I tried dragging from Logic. I have tried pasting from within RC. It looks like a very useful program if I could get some midi in to try it out


It supports dropping a standard MIDI file, e.g. from RC or from the Finder.
Logic uses its own internal format for MIDI dragging, I could not figure that out yet.

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


musicdevelopments wrote: Fri Oct 07, 2022 2:20 pm It supports dropping a standard MIDI file, e.g. from RC or from the Finder.
Logic uses its own internal format for MIDI dragging, I could not figure that out yet.

musicdevelopments wrote: Fri Oct 07, 2022 2:20 pm It supports dropping a standard MIDI file, e.g. from RC or from the Finder.
Logic uses its own internal format for MIDI dragging, I could not figure that out yet.


Good to see there's a demand for people wanting to see the benefits of MIDI mutator.

Would you prefer me to post all the issues on the forum rather than to your email as it's probably easier to get a quicker response.

I understand from your lost response you said if there was a need you would work more on mutator.
After speaking to various users, there response to midi mutate is they've given up on using it as they haven't got the results they was hoping for in its current state.
Which is a real shame because if you could fix and adapt this i'm sure they would go back to using it, as it has great potential.
This is truly the missing piece when comes to working with your own midi files inside RC

I would be more than happy to make a video on the benefits of this vst once you fix it. There are so many users in this forum that are searching for videos that are not being made when it comes to RC.
If it wasn't for BluGenes making video on RC, myself and I'm sure a lot of other users would be scratching their head trying to figure out how to work Rc to get the kind of results they desire.
I understand that you get a lot of requests for fixes and add features but it would be nice before moving on to the others if you could fix the main issues that are effects the results currently happening with midi mutate,

To help anyone understand what midi mutator could be capable of one's fixed.

In the most simple terms.

Imagine being able to take any of your favourite melodies or chords from your favourite songs and have midi mutated analyse all those parameters and then create new variations or melodies strictly using the same parameters of the initial midi file.

So for example it would take the length of the notes the rest in between each note and the pitch of the notes and regenerate new patterns, so that way your patterns will always have a similar feel to the original .

Another example could be that you've made a phrase inside one of Rc generators and you don't want to lose that initial idea but you'd like to hear some alternative options. You could throw it into midi mutated and get some alternative results which could end up being a counter melody or a second part 2 your original melody.

The possibilities could be endless

Think of it like midi learn meets custom phrases.

if you haven't checked out BluGenes videos definitely do so very informative


I would like your help and advice on midi mutator.

Best regards,



I am looking for something that is described perfectly in @lovemusic15's post:
Imagine being able to take any of your favourite melodies or chords from your favourite songs and have midi mutated analyse all those parameters and then create new variations or melodies strictly using the same parameters of the initial midi file.

Because I want to create variations of existing melodies with the help of RC.
Does this post mean RC is not able to do that at the moment?

P.S: See my other post where I linked in a video I made of my current status.
Best regards and keep on creating music,


Please do a video🤔

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