Looking for testers for my new Android app, drumbox

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I've been working on a new Android app, called drumbox over the past time, and it's almost ready for release. It's a synthesised drumpad app + sequencer, so unlike with samples you can really tweak every aspect of the sounds. More info and demos you can find at https://drumbox.app (https://drumbox.app) and you can also already pre-register there to get notified once the app is available.

Before it is going to be released though I'm getting the app out to a small group of testers, and I can use a few more. If you want to give the app a try and give me feedback on it, then please sign up at
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIp ... g/viewform (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf0DVyfzVcOJsVW6XxElIANSTztXflkIiQe3KMLYYLj7u94qg/viewform)


Cool, I look forward to playing with it! I'm afraid I'm too busy to do any serious testing these next weeks though I'm afraid.


Thanks everyone signing up, I have enough testers now!


That's too bad. I love trying out new apps and helping the devs splut the bugs I encounter. Good luck with the app.

“Serenity is a problem, when you get this close to heaven, but you really want to see the wonders of the underworld”


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I've just released the app, you can get it here https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... ts.drummer (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=nl.littlerobots.drummer) Hopefully you won't find any major bugs @wendygon :)

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