Nova GE: Deresonate Vocal Track?

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I see the Nova GE Smart OPS used primarily on full mixes, but since it can be used on single tracks as well, has anyone played with the Deresonate on a single vocal track? I know that Soothe2 is designed specifically for this, but it seems like Nova should be able to do something similar. Anyone have any experience or tips? I'll play with it a bit myself next week. Thanks.


I just did a preliminary test and it seems to work. I would need to spend more time with it and try some manual tweaks, but it seems to at least get it close and removes some of the dull and muddiness of the vocal. I'll listen closer with headphones and good monitors later.


After playing around more with the the Nova Deresonate on vocals, it's not really doing what I want. I went back and just did it by ear and it came out a lot better, but it was worth a shot.

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