Pigments sustain pedal issue

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I have demo of Pigments v2.2.0.1180. I recently updated demo version, the issue was also existing in previous version I had. It looks like Pigments is sometimes not registering sustain pedal press or pedal release.
What happens:

Press pedal -> press note key -> note is not sustained (pedal is pressed). Any subsequent note played during this press of pedal will not be sustained.

Press pedal -> press note key -> note is sustained -> release pedal -> note is still sustained, all subsequent notes are also sustained, despite pedal being released. Sometimes I have to press pedal a few times to release sustained notes.

It happens so often, that it is pretty hard to play presets that requires use of sustain pedal. This is not happening in any other instrument that I use.
I'm using Reaper and Windows


Hi. This is a quite old post, but i just read it.

I'd suspect other midi actor to send sustain messages, interfering with your pedal. I'd find a tool which trace your midi in order to look at at the CC64 messages. This could be a faulty physical knob which send messages even when you don't touch it.

Regarding the fact that your problem is Pigments only, i'd double check it by reproducing the problem with the Pigments standalone application.

Some details : i do not encounter your problem (full pigments - bitwig) , but this reminds be of when i tried to overdub sustain : Sustain midi messages (CC 64), by MIDI design, are just sent by the midi device when the value does change, and, by most DAWs design i think, also recorded and overdubbed in this "punctual" way,
This seems obvious, but leads to some unintuitive behaviors, like when concurrent midi sources are set to the same CC, or when you are overdubbing automation (the last midi event wins ; you pedal being released does not translate to sustain being OFF if any other punctual sustain value happened by a device or the daw).


Thanks for interest and input. This issue was solved for some time (thanks to Arturia support for suggestions). I've tested Pigments standalone and it was working fine with device like Windows Audio, but not with my interface, which is Komplete Audio 6. So, I've installed newest available drivers for KA6 and the issue resolved.

It was working fine for Pigments 2. Recently, however, I've installed Pigments 3 demo and for the first few times I think it was working fine (or I didn't notice), but now this issue came back. Pigments standalone KA6 has no newer available drivers to install. I've reinstalled again the newest drivers, but no luck.
The strange thing is, the HOLD icon that is placed above the keyboard, reacts to sustain pedal, while sound does not. You can watch the video if anyone is interested.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/g7bqaokegwulj ... l.mp4?dl=0
When I switch to Windows Audio, everything works fine.

Regarding Your advice: I've checked MIDIOX for potential another source of sustain pedal message, if that's what You meant. I don't have any other MIDI controller connected at the moment. KA6 MIDI input (through which the keyboard with sustain pedal is connected) inputs sustain pedal message only on actual sustain pedal press and release. Testing with Pigments standalone.


Increase the buffer size in Pigments and retry.

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