Is it possible to search for previous forum threads (and posts?) via custom date range?

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Apologies if this has been asked before, or if it is possible but I've just not seen the option, but is it possible to search for previous forum threads via custom date range on the 'search' webpage?

I only ask because I thought it might be advantageous when filtering date related searches whilst looking for certain terms or brand names that appeared in thread titles.

For example, just now I was hoping to find a discussion about an old AirWindows plugin from about 2018 and I could not remember the name of it, but thought that Chris might have started a thread about it a couple of years ago here.
(I eventually found the thread and the plugin).

Also, I don't think it can be done currently at KVR (?), but perhaps something like Gearslutz's / Gearspace's search function where you type in a name and you are met with various post / thread suggestions (if you're lucky!) might be an option for the future?

Many thanks,

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