Tutorials&Theory that could be applied in RC

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Cereb wrote: Fri May 10, 2019 2:59 pm Hey,
I'm relatively new to RC. I'll contribute this video to keep the ball rolling as I think what you've started (and kept alive) is great iXaarii.
Thank you so much Cereb. At one point i was wondering if i'm doing something silly and should just stop but i'm so happy it got traction. I started it hoping it will be useful to others, help us in build community (and of course inspire Atilla to implement cool new features!!! PSSSSSSSSSSSSssst, this one's a seeecret goal!!! don't be spreading it around ). Your post is a really great lesson and a great star in the thread, thanks a so much, what a great lesson in negative harmony! THANK YOU!!!

Cereb wrote: Fri May 10, 2019 2:59 pm I'm sure most have already seen this as the poster is quite popular, but it's worth having here as part of the knowledge base.
Thanks so much and I look forward to seeing this thread grow into a god tier cache of Theory knowledge!
Indeed this is such a great addition to the knowledge base! So great to be building one together here!

My today's proposal video is this one:

I have watched it many many times myself and i still can't say I have assimilated more than 10% of the information there in a way that I can access it at any needed time. Some of the things in it RC already implements, some in somewhat different ways (eg: would it be interesting/useful to have the kind of "how do i precede this chord" thinking also reflected?), while others might be nice to have. Or maybe it's already all in there I'm just not knowledgeable enough to even perceive. Either way, i thought this might be a nice addition to the cache and maybe somebody else hasn't seen it yet.


Hi Cereb,

thanks for the video. Negative harmony chord suggestions are now implemented, and will be available in the next update:


Thanks! :tu:
Cereb wrote: Fri May 10, 2019 2:59 pm Hey,

I'm relatively new to RC. I'll contribute this video to keep the ball rolling as I think what you've started (and kept alive) is great iXaarii.
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


like... OMG OMG OMG!!! WOOOOWWW!!!!!!!!!!!! This thread has directly contributed to a new and awesome feature!!! i can't believe my eyes. Attila, you are a living god among us. And THIS is why i love this software. just amazing and miraculous to see change happen just before one's eyes. Even just in the past 6 months i've seen the program evolve so much and get so many great features! amaazing! I haven't seen this amount of dynamism and community responsiveness since my "good old days' around 2004 in the linux & open source communities, never before seen such responsiveness to customers in any commercial software. So much Admiration!

... i was about to post... but i just can't do it, i just can't post anything in this thread without posting also something on theory:

The things i found most valuable and potential RC useful there are ideas of repetition with variations and formulas for question, fake answer, requestion, answer (or deceptive answer?).


Thank you, iXaarii for your kind words but I don't deserve them. :oops:
The amazing community on this forum gives me lots of inspiration, the credit goes to everyone here.
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


there's a lot of things that blow me away about the theory in this video, the progressions, the complex harmony and of course the amazing piano playing... but the things that really stick with me at this moment in time are a) his great explanation about the density of notes in lower registers b) his explanation of thickening up notes in the high frequencies for the same effect as they lose volume and of course c) i feel reassured that even within something so complex he's still thinking common chord progressions at the root of it all.

Overall so much mindblowing stuff it's hard not to get intimidated into giving up... but it's a hard worth fighting. Thanks to RC for helping decomplexify some things! I will probably never play like this guy... but with RapidComposer's help maybe I have a chance of composing such things despite my handicap. Thank you Atilla!


Great video! Thanks, iXaarii!
It is already possible to define voicings e.g. for 9th chords and spread notes as explained in the video.
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


Thanks for this thread, iZaarii. Excellent stuff! I've been away for a bit so have missed some of the fun but there are a few channels that I can add (and very much enjoy)

12 tone. Great music theory channel. The latest video, as of posting, covers Douthett's Cube Dance--the shortest way of getting from one key to another.


David Bruce, the English composer, has a bunch of really fine videos on composition practices, like this one on Stravinky's use of harmony


Adam Neely's channel also has a bunch of interesting compositional ideas and thoughts that I find are worth checking out


and if you really want to get our dear Attila to do some work, we can get him down this rabbit hole and get RC to natively support maqams. But that would then open a door on ragas, Chinese harmonic theory, and so on. I'm not sure we are ready for that :-)


Thanks again for starting this thread.
-- mark.


Very cool videos, Mark, thanks for posting!
and if you really want to get our dear Attila to do some work, we can get him down this rabbit hole and get RC to natively support maqams.
Well, let's leave something for v9.0... :hihi: I definitely want to support microtonal scales in the future.
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


Thank you very much mark5009 for the great videos and suggestions! I can see you are a veteran who knows the cream of the cream! How wonderful! Did you see also David Bruce's recent challenge with different musicians including Adam Neely making variations on the same idea?

My post for today shall be this one:

I love these two guys, they're always so entertaining and I admire their hard work ethic (and when they make fun of people thinking talent is something you're born with :D ) .

I think the video has a lot of ideas that could potentially be implemented in RC to great success and to great delight. The obvious ones are of course the different techniques of the different composers and ways to make those attributes based on the same chord progression. Or simply from Bach (step 3) the idea of having RC develop ornamentation based on chords... that would be very cool.

But of course permeating it all/what would be needed to make everything possible and gravy is in there the seed of what is right now my most absolutely desired feature for RC, the one which once implemented would change eveeerything:
CCs based on notes so that everything from modwheel to vibrato/tremolo and even pitchbends and bend-ins through incidentals cold be generate based on the notes. That would simply blow the lid off everything, be it traditional instruments or synths or guitars. This could change the whole sound to sound less computery and more varied, as everything from a violin vst to brass or synths sounds a lot more realistic if it has moments when the sound changes as a function of where in the notes/phrases/songs we are. This is right now my biggest dream wish for RC and what I think of every time i see such organic instruments.


Did you see also David Bruce's recent challenge with different musicians including Adam Neely making variations on the same idea?
I did, and it impressed me very much. I loved the way each of the composers faced the same challenge of that dumb theme and the group they had to work with. Really inspiring!
-- mark.


Melody. First subject. Second subject. Flourishes. Variations. Modulation... seems to me like there's rules... there's structure in there... rules... and you know who can do fast computing and rules fast... compuuutorz loaded with amazing software, which leads me to:

Let me make a bet... by version 5 RapidComposer will be able to do all that in... wait for it... suspense... drumroll... LESS than 60 seconds of precomputing!!! That's my bet!


Give me 2 days to study the sonata forms and RC will be able to do that :hihi:
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18




Oh Wow!

You included Negative Harmony in RC! We did it iXaarri! High Five!

Quite the honor Attila, thanks for letting us know :)

Anyone done the Slominsky book?
Was a massive influence on Coltrane and Zappa


While he never thoroughly explains in his book the exact use... others have studied and found his method was to divide the octave into equal parts... then use each point to build a smaller arp/run around.

This guy wrote a FREE ebook about it filled with similar phrases. All really cool stuff.


Cereb wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2019 4:30 pm This guy wrote a FREE ebook about it filled with similar phrases. All really cool stuff.
Very interesting book! I am thinking, that a Slonimsky pattern generator could be added to RapidComposer. Although the patterns use the chromatic scale, they would equally well work on any scale, when using scale steps instead of semitones.

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18

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