Kirnu Cream - MIDI

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Does anybody know the midi setup for Kirnu Cream or does Kirnu Cream only work with VST's?

I have tried many different midi connection combinations to try and get Kirnu Cream to work but with no result.

My setup is 1 Yamaha SW1000XG Sound Module and 1 Roland Juno-D Synthesizer/Sound Module, both connected via Midi/USB connection to the computer.

I am using Cakewalk Sonar 6 as a sequencer.

When I setup my midi to take input, Kirnu Cream can detect the input, but I hear nothing (even when I put a midi score into the Kirnu Time line. Even using a VST, there is nothing sound from the VST.

The Kirnu Cream manual is of no help at all.

Please can you help?


I'm not sure how much has changed since Sonar 6, but I followed these instructions for setting up Cthulhu in Sonar, and it worked for me with Kirnu Cream. I hope it works for you. Good luck!

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