Zyn Fusion VST Bug Reports

Official support for: zynaddsubfx.sourceforge.net


Marginal Ray wrote:I'm not developper, but I don't understand why you made this choice.
A large amount of work would have been lost if the linux version was discarded for the 3.0.0 version. From the mainline's HISTORY.txt:

Code: Select all

3.0.0 (17 November 2016)
        - Add support for zest toolkit via Zyn-Fusion
        - Add watchpoints to env/LFO
        - Add Bank searching capabilities
        - Add Windows Midi Support
        - Add --midi-learn option for loading .xlz files
        - Add bank cache file
        - Add DC modulator type
        - Augment Existing 2.5.x OSC API metadata
        - Fix Envelope behavior on pre 2.4.4 patches
        - Fix ALSA hanging after suspend to ram
        - Fix Jack-Multi Crash
        - Fix FreeBSD compilation
        - Fix Windows compilation (via mingw64)
        - Fix unapplied microtonal settings on startup

2.5.4 (12 March 2016)
        - Add realtime automation for subnote parameters
        - Add FLTK UI for LV2 plugins
        - Add support for '~' in bank paths
        - Fix VST crashes
        - Fix VST loading issues
        - Fix Microtonal copy/paste
        - Fix GCC 5.3.0 build issues
        - Fix autosave disable flag
        - Fix license headers
        - Fix plugin library directory
        - Fix uninitialized filter bug in subnote
        - Fix broken instrument send

2.5.3 (8 Feb 2016)
        - Add LV2&VST support via DPF
        - Add autosave
        - Add realtime filter parameter updates
        - Add LFO random mode
        - Add more controls to DSSI plugin
        - Add fixed frequency modulators
        - Add more reset states to knobs/sliders
        - Add PWM mod
        - Fix Microtonal UI
        - Fix 'Add Bank'
        - Fix sustain bugs in 2.5.x series
        - Fix mem pool exhaustion bug
        - Fix PADnote copy/paste
        - Fix Oscilgen copy/paste
        - Fix Midi unlearn
        - Other misc bug fixes

2.5.2 (13 November 2015)
        - Add MIDI-Learn serialization
        - Add realtime updates for LFOs
        - Add pink noise source
        - Add missing velocity sense to ADvoice filters
        - Support global Q for ADvoice formant filters
        - Fix formant filter response to frequency
        - Add chop pseudo sync BF modifier to oscilgen
        - Add user adjustment for AD/PAD fadein
        - Improve use-as-base so the result works like a built-in
        - Save and restore some missing parameters from oscilgen
        - Restore mousewheel functionality
        - Add window traversal shortcuts
        - Restore bank LSB/MSB MIDI support
        - Improve tip windows
        - Improve oscdoc output
        - Restore Ext Oscil/Mod functionality
        - Remove remaining globals
        - Fix UI connection bugs
        - Add UI title rewrite support
        - Other misc bug fixes

2.5.1 (4 July 2015)
        - Add Colorized CMake Configuration
        - Add PID option for jack
        - Add OSC port option
        - Add MIDI unlearn
        - Add External UI Compilation
        - Add Split Pitchbend
        - Fix No Install NTK Build
        - Fix Linker Issues
        - Fix Presets/Copy/Paste
        - Fix JACK Samplerate Check When JACK Isn't Running
        - Remove Dump
        - Remove Some Globals synth/uToB/bToU/etc
        - Adjust BankUI Ascetic
        - Other Misc Bug Fixes

2.5.0 (25 Feb 2015)
        - Add Rtosc
        - Add tlsf RT Memory Allocator
        - Add --dump-oscdoc Flag
        - Add OSC API
        - Add Jack-OSC Support
        - Add MIDI Learn
        - Add Undo/Redo
        - Add Multi-Out JACK Engine
        - Add Multi-Out OSS Engine
        - Add Top Level Window Icon
        - Add OSS env Vars MIDI_DEVICE/DSP_DEVICE
        - Add OSC port/PID file
        - Remove Master::mutex
        - Remove Almost All RT Unsafe Actions
        - Disable (temporarily) DSSI
        - Disable (temporarily) Copy/Paste
        - Massive Internal Refactoring

2.4.4 (28 Jun 2014)
        - Add UI Mousewheel Support
        - Add Spectral Adjust Parameter Rescaling
        - Add Subnote filter smoothing
        - Add Unison derandomization options
        - Add NSM import/export
        - Add NTK UI compatiability
        - (re)Add OSX Support
        - Enhance performance of ADnote and SUBnote
        - Enhance Installer
        - Fix JACK2 specific segfault
        - Fix possible DSSI specific segfaults
        - Fix Unison Regressions
        - Documentation additions
        - Misc bug fixes

2.4.3 (15 Jun 2012)
        - Non-session manager support
        - Midi aftertouch support
        - Documentation additions
        - Somewhat more sane Nio defaults
        - Misc bug fixes

2.4.2 (26 Feb 2012)
        - New IO backend support
        - MIDI bank select
        - Spike/Circle waveform
        - Faster subsynth
        - --exec-after-init flag
        - Version information compiled in
        - Misc Bug fixes

As you note, not using the windows VST as the basis of the 3.0.0 UI does result in some features being missing and some functionality being buggy. Based upon the relative activity of both the mainline and jackoo's work it seemed like less functionality was lost by using the linux mainline as the basis of the 3.0.0 code.
One of the developers on the ZynAddSubFX open source synth
The author of the Zyn-Fusion UI for ZynAddSubFX


Ray, your hindsight is Marginal. Many people have taken
a very imperfect set of circumstances, over many many years,
and made progress against the odds, with personal sacrifice,
the results shared generously, and with more to come.

The marketplace is fluid, not static. The Xpand2 offer
is an EOL come-on bait to buy the $75 (nice-sale-price) upgrade.
U-he offers a reduced price during final pre-release bug-hunt.
Komplete attempts to flood you with such quantity of quality,
as to defeat competition...many marketing ways possible,
all trying to stay afloat. Even linux/freeware devs need to eat
and support family.

I see this pricing strategy as an opportunity for the future,
not as a finished product. Similar to the Repro-1 offer.
Like buying a single Native Instruments product known to
qualify for a heavy Komplete discount later. yada yada yada


Glokraw, I don’t know if my hindsight is marginal, but the fact is that I own several good virtual instruments, often bought during temporary discounts, especially from audiodeluxe.com, and sometimes directly from editors.

Never a GUI has being sold for $60. In this specific case, Fundamental made more… and less than a GUI. Zyn fusion, 64 bits, under Linux, Windows (and Mac) could be worth this price. I wish him success, and would personally pay the $60, even today (without Mac version). But not a single cent for this beta.

The main problem with Zyn Fusion is not the price. The VST version (at least under Reaper) is not usable, really not usable. It’s more than a bug. It’s an unfinished work. Fundamental is really imprudent selling it, even for $1. But the reaction of the customer who spent $60 for a beta could be very unpleasant. For me, it’s absolutely obvious: In its actual state, Zyn Fusion cannot be sold and even offered. Now, it’s up to him...


As you note, not using the windows VST as the basis of the 3.0.0 UI does result in some features being missing and some functionality being buggy. Based upon the relative activity of both the mainline and jackoo's work it seemed like less functionality was lost by using the linux mainline as the basis of the 3.0.0 code.
OK. I understand. Let me be clear. I'm very very happy that Zyn gets the GUI it deserves, and I (we) give you full credit for it. But no rush. If you are busy, we can wait one more year (or more). And if the final Zyn Fusion is a perfect working product (if possible PC + MAC), with no major bug, several Zyn users will post about it beyond the traditionnal Zyn or Linux sphere.


fundamental wrote:

I have spoken to jackoo about this particular issue and after some initial discussion I have not heard back from him
Ok. No news about this issue? It's a real problem when you have douzen of project using Zyn.
I will update the demo build this next week.
You said some bugs are just in the demo. So please, provide a new bug free demo, that would be exactly the same synth that the commercial version, of course with time limitation.



Marginal Ray wrote:You said some bugs are just in the demo. So please, provide a new bug free demo, that would be exactly the same synth that the commercial version, of course with time limitation.
I'm currently running a day or two behind schedule due to a recent american holiday (thanksgiving). I'm waiting to hear back to confirm that one particularly nasty bug has been fixed which had been causing quite a few users to see just a blank screen when using it in various plugin hosts. Then the 3.0.1 release should be ready to be packaged for both the demo and the release version.
One of the developers on the ZynAddSubFX open source synth
The author of the Zyn-Fusion UI for ZynAddSubFX

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