File formats, smp, and cross-platform stuff

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Three questions before I decide to purchase Tracktion...

1. Does Tracktion take advantage of dual-processor systems, or P4 systems with hyperthreading?

2. What file format does Tracktion record its tracks to? I assume it's standard wav...

3. What differences exist between the PC and Mac versions? Does Tracktion record tracks to the same format (wav, aiff, whatever) on Mac as on PC? Is ASIO supported on the Mac version?


While I'm at it, might as well ask...

4. Has there been an ETA on Tracktion2 announced, or even a ball-park time estimate? Does anyone know what the upgrade price will be?


Geez, nobody knows the answer to ANY of these?


1. Don't know, sorry.
2. wav or aiff your choice
3. no major differences. I own the pc version but I assume mac also supports asio
4. no release date set. A good price estimate is that the upgrade price likely won't exceed the current price of Tracktion. So somewhere between $0-80. I'm guessing around $50.


Sage wrote:
1. Does Tracktion take advantage of dual-processor systems, or P4 systems with hyperthreading?
Nope, people have even had probs with HT eneabled.
2. What file format does Tracktion record its tracks to? I assume it's standard wav...
Wave or Aiff... internally it uses FLAC for it's lossless archiving etc.
3. What differences exist between the PC and Mac versions? Does Tracktion record tracks to the same format (wav, aiff, whatever) on Mac as on PC? Is ASIO supported on the Mac version?
No effective differences (same features, build etc.) and ASIO is supported I believe.

ETA on T2 is sometime in the future. ;)



Re 3: I can't recall a definitiive statement that the implementations are the same, but have a look at Sleepwalker's and Aleatoric's rendering issues on a Mac at:

Re 4: I can't recall any statments about the T2 price or the upgrade price, other than the upgrade will not be free. Clearly Jules and Mackie have to pitch this price at the right level or face the "Fury of the Fanboys". :evil:

IMO, I do not feel that anyone will lose out by buying Tracktion now then taking the upgrade when it is available (not for a few months is my guess)
DarkStar, ... Interesting, if true
Inspired by ...


Awesome, thanks you guys. I really appreciate it. I'm going to go ahead and buy Tracktion this week. I have been totally blown away by the interface. This is what I've been looking for for the past 2 years. Who knew it would be so inexpensive?

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