Backup of the backup!

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after starting a new project, with auto save on, 20 minutes of important original jam basicly worked all down, insert an mda plug, T crashes, open, empty project...

Yeah, I took a back up of the T file, before opening it, it only backuped the name of the song!!!

This was an importand jam piece, so ill memorize it, still it is very difficult.

So the point is, why did not autosave work, when you first start a project, and only from after your first shut down? If I had been working the whole day, would I lost all the work, under the same situasion?

..maby im missing something.
I took a backup of the backup, incase of that..
(im in a very good mood, by the way :wink: )


autosave was set to 5 min.

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