Bug Reporting- Forum or Email?

Official support for: bitwig.com
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What is Bitwig's preferred method for reporting bugs? Here in this forum or via email at the contact address listed on their website?


For bug reports I would think the Mail form on the Website is the surer way to be heard with serious things.
They may be hard pressed for some days to come and I don't know how much time they have to read this forum. The forum I would recommend to find out IF something may be a bug or user error (or if a workaround has been fund already).
I'm sure in the coming days they will announce such stuff in some stickies (hint, hint ;-) ).


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Bug reporting through mail didn't work for me. When I got an error message and attempted to send it through the error handler in the software, the URL passed to GMail was too long (414). It was a local crash after I attempted to index VSTs on a different drive through the "add location" button.


Hm - always worked for me in the beta - maybe the servers were overloaded today? Should all get a bit more relaxed over the coming days...


"Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there." - Rumi
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quick one:


back to pressing buttons!


I think it may be a GMail related thing. I had only typed one normal-length sentence as the error description, too, so it probably wasn't that. I'll see if I can reproduce the crash and then trim the passed URL manually.

... or I use the form that Dom posted above. ;)


I can put everything in the form, that's not a problem. I don't really need feedback since this is just demo time for me. I will know if the problems have been adressed when I check out the next version.


a sticky specifically for vst plugin issues would be useful

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