RMV Crashing Logic Pro 9

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RMV (v5.1.2?) is crashing Logic Pro 9.1.8 on OSX 10.8.3. After loading a kit I start playing the track and shortly after Logic crashes. Completely unsuable. Any idea what the problem is?


Not sure what it could be. Could it be the track you're using? I have no problems or trouble using RMV 5.1.3 with Logic 9.18 on OSX 10.8.4 (and didn't on 10.8.3) Maybe try re-installing?


Thanks for your reply. I update RMV to 5.1.3 and this seems to fix the issue.


Spoke too soon. The problem is back after things were working ok for a bit. I reopened a project with RMV in it and Logic crashes about right after I start playing the track. After reopening Logic and removing the RMV plugin the track plays normally again without crashing... Other plugins I have running in this project are iZotope RX Denoiser and some Abbey Road and Soundtoys plugs.


We're looking into this, sorry for the delay, we will get back to you.


Thanks for your help. One thing about these crashes is that the projects (created on a older computer) originally used RMIV, which I removed before loading RMV to replace it on the track. So the midi parts were created while using RMIV originally. The kits used are LM4 kits.


Thanks, Pavol should have gotten in touch with you and asked for a crash log meanwhile.


Anyone out there using LM4 kits in RMV? All my best kits are LM4 (wizoo etc.) and it appears loading LM4 kits in RMV is causing logic to crash making RMV completely unusable (in osx 10.8/ logic pro 9).


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