Microtuning help!

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How to create myself microtuneing file?
What is cent? Is it 2^(1/12):100 or it 2^(1/1200)?

I need scales like with 3^(n/x) and 5^(n/x) etc..
Is it possible to calculte compatible with Linplug *.tun ?

What's mean this:
; AnaMark section
[Exact Tuning]



Please check the manual to your instrument, there is always a section about Microtuning, the TUN files itself contain much info, you're right, because they are usually created from a program, the relevant part its "Note nnn = fff.fff" where nnn is a not enumber and fff.fff the respective tuning in cents. What cents are, please check Wikipedia or similar. And yes, you should be able to create your scales,


OK! Yes I found what cents are in Wikipedia! Thanks


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