What is load percentage?

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At the bottom of Cantabile there is load percentage or a load meter. I did not find anything talking about these in the manual. What exactly are these showing?



The load meter shows if audio could be processed in time and to which degree.

It's different from general windows cpu load which shows an allover average load. Instead Cantabiles load meter shows the realtime state referring to calculating audio.

There can be a huge difference between Cantabiles load meter and windows cpu load.

Imagine a quadcore machine and Cantabile processing one plugin... which hardly can be done in parallel. When this plugin needs much processing cycles Cantabiles meter can easily go up to or exceed 100% while windows shows less than 25% - because just one core is involved in calculation.

Another point is windows system scheduling - means providing processor time to processes/threads that request them. When time critical code like audio processing gets processing time too late Cantaibles load meter will go up even further because audio buffers need to be finished with calculation in time. As a result when you increase buffer size the effects will decrease - but that's what we can not afford when we want to play live...

You have to understand that audio processing on pc's is mostly about processing in time and not having plenty or enough processing power. The latter is only the point with non realtime offline calculations maybe like heavy video rendering where it is easy to make all cores work and where windows scheduling does a pretty good job.

Hope this helps.
Best regards, TiUser
...and keep on jamming...


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