TX16Wx 2.0 Release Candidate 1 (2012-11-05)

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New day, new RC:
TX16Wx 2.0 RC1 (2012-11-05)
  • Fixed memory display broken on 32 bit platform
  • Fixed reading misaligned DAW chunk data in energyXT
  • Fixed Sound Font import not handling program level generators correctly
  • Fixed Sound Font import not handling broken sample link correctly
  • Fixed crash when duplicating slot set to 'Omni'
  • Fixed graphics issue with knobs
  • Fixed text fields in sound section not setting values
  • Fixed duplicate range not setting unique name on new wave
  • Fixed rename to not allow existing names
Get it at http://www.tx16wx.com
TX16Wx Software Sampler:


MIDI Export:
(a) the exported note names reference the sample, not the slice, so all the slices had the same name in the host
(b) I exported the MIDI for a second groove sliced into 33 slices:
-- the exported names were those from the first groove loaded in TX16Wx,
-- the first groove had 25 slices and only 25 notes of the second groove were named.

PS Should I be able to rename a slice? Or switch its direction to "Backwards"?
DarkStar, ... Interesting, if true
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One suggestion for the keymapping view: when you zoom vertically, the virtual keyboard shouldn't vanish from the view, but should remain constantly visible, so you can have a visual reference where you are.


DarkStar wrote:MIDI Export:
(a) the exported note names reference the sample, not the slice, so all the slices had the same name in the host
(b) I exported the MIDI for a second groove sliced into 33 slices:
-- the exported names were those from the first groove loaded in TX16Wx,
-- the first groove had 25 slices and only 25 notes of the second groove were named.

PS Should I be able to rename a slice? Or switch its direction to "Backwards"?
Note names are not a function of exported MIDI clips, but an interface callback from the host. That being said, it should probably render the same name as what's shown in the key mapper.

Your second case, I don't know exactly what you did, but remember, the MIDI clip is just notes coinciding (hopefully) with what is in the sampler. If you view this (esp. in reaper) on the "wrong" track, you will see the note names that correspond to the mapped samples on whatever MIDI channel the track thinks its on.

I.e, you have two slots, assigned MIDI ch1 + MIDI ch2. In slot1 you have a program with loop A sliced, in slot2 loop B. Now, what you see in your sequencer will be determined by which MIDI channel the track you are using thinks its on. And since it is only per MIDI channel (thank you Steinberg), if you have two slots on the same channel, you will see the info from the first one, not the second (well, partially overlaid, but).

These are restrictions of the VST standard.
TX16Wx Software Sampler:


Ubnderstood, let me give you some more details.
-- the exported names were those from the first groove loaded in TX16Wx,
-- the first groove had 25 slices and only 25 notes of the second groove were named.
I created 2 channel slots (using MIDI channels 01 and 02) and loaded existing programs (each for a sliced loop) into them. I dragged the group for the second program into Reaper and played the MIDI clip. The 33 slices in the second groove were played OK.

On opening the clip in the MIDI Editor, only the first 25 slices were named, the other 8 were not. And the name used was from the first groove (which has 25 slices).

If I load that second groove only in a new instance of TX16Wx and drag its group into Reaper, all 33 slices are named (using the name from that groove).

DarkStar, ... Interesting, if true
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DarkStar wrote:Ubnderstood, let me give you some more details.
-- the exported names were those from the first groove loaded in TX16Wx,
-- the first groove had 25 slices and only 25 notes of the second groove were named.
I created 2 channel slots (using MIDI channels 01 and 02) and loaded existing programs (each for a sliced loop) into them. I dragged the group for the second program into Reaper and played the MIDI clip. The 33 slices in the second groove were played OK.

On opening the clip in the MIDI Editor, only the first 25 slices were named, the other 8 were not. And the name used was from the first groove (which has 25 slices).

If I load that second groove only in a new instance of TX16Wx and drag its group into Reaper, all 33 slices are named (using the name from that groove).

Again, I think this has to do with how reaper handled MIDI tracks. Since the track itself is not on a MIDI channel, it queries channel 1 for names, even though what you are playing is on channel 2. If you try the same procedure in a sequencer which uses assigned MIDI channels for tracks (you can route the reaper track to MIDI chan, but I am not sure that makes it considered 'on' the channel)
TX16Wx Software Sampler:


Crashes from time to time when you delete wave from sample editor.
Tested with some hosts, WinXP(32) and 7(64).
Wav file is pure, does not contains extra data.
I had same issue when I used v1.xx.
No solid way to reproduce, I hope you can.


elcallio wrote:Again, I think this has to do with how reaper handled MIDI tracks. Since the track itself is not on a MIDI channel, it queries channel 1 for names, even though what you are playing is on channel 2. If you try the same procedure in a sequencer which uses assigned MIDI channels for tracks (you can route the reaper track to MIDI chan, but I am not sure that makes it considered 'on' the channel)
Well diagnosed. :clap: That looks like it. I swapped over the MIDI channels and got the names of the second groove - that would fit in with your explanation
DarkStar, ... Interesting, if true
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SFZ Import

Some .sfz files and samples import OK. With others I get some weird results, as can be seen here:

Big pic: http://i.imgur.com/n2unz.png

-- the three samples are mapped to the correct keys
-- but their root is set one octave low and the Shift is set to -12 and the scale is set to *4

In the second screenshot I set all the Scale values to "normal" and the notes sounded correctly.

In the third screenshot I set the Shift to 0 and moved the Root key up one octave and the notes sounded OK.

If I drag the waves themselves from the Sample Editor to the Keyboard Mapper, then the root key is on the right key, Shift is 0 and Scale is Normal.

Here is the sfz code for one of the samples

Code: Select all

DarkStar, ... Interesting, if true
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Just a quick note of praise. I've been watching your progress here on KVR over the last year or so, and I think I've finally found the sampler I'd been looking for. Simple, clean and intuitive. Much respect and appreciation. I look forward to the pro version.
hijacking your fiction


And I should probably thank the KVRers who have been bug testing. I wish I had your patience.
hijacking your fiction


DarkStar wrote:SFZ Import

Some .sfz files and samples import OK. With others I get some weird results, as can be seen here:

Big pic: http://i.imgur.com/n2unz.png

-- the three samples are mapped to the correct keys
-- but their root is set one octave low and the Shift is set to -12 and the scale is set to *4
Ok, checked it out. The key scaling match loop was broken, now I've fixed it ;-)
As for the key shift, this is as designed, and I'll explain why:
The SFZ format treats "root key" as an aspect of the "<region>", which might be set by the wave, but might also not. TX16Wx on the other hand is more "file-centric", in that the root key is set in the wave file, period. If you change the root key for one mapping, you change it for all. Which imho is a good thing i nmost use cases. If one wants a different pitch for a mapping in TX16Wx one sets the shift/tune parameters to offset the "natural" root.

Now, since the WAV files with the SFZ in question has a root key exactly one octave below the SFZ files "pitch_keycenter" attribute, the resulting groups must thus have a shift attribute of -12.

TX16Wx Software Sampler:


Ah ha, now that I understand what is going on, that makes sense. Thank you.

It strikes me that a lot of the good info in these threads can be cut and pasted into the User Manual ;). That will save you getting similar queries for others in the future (but I'm sure that I have a few more).
DarkStar, ... Interesting, if true
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Yudaidhun wrote:Crashes from time to time when you delete wave from sample editor.
Tested with some hosts, WinXP(32) and 7(64).
Wav file is pure, does not contains extra data.
I had same issue when I used v1.xx.
No solid way to reproduce, I hope you can.
Do you have any more details? Was the transport playing, incoming MIDI? Or any other info. I've tortured the plugin in this regards (tight incoming MIDI messages and delete-undo-delete-etc in quick repeat for quite some time and I have not been able to get crashes from this (now or before). Though there might be some circumstance when the UI callbacks cause issues when deleting...

Any more info you have helps, thanks.
TX16Wx Software Sampler:


DarkStar wrote:MIDI Export:
(a) the exported note names reference the sample, not the slice, so all the slices had the same name in the host
Fixed in RC2 (08 November)
DarkStar, ... Interesting, if true
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