Rust 1 v2 issue with filter intensity knob

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The filter intensity knob for the Trusty Rumbones ambience does not appear to be working in Kontakt 5. I cannot get it to budge from a value of --- and the knob just seems to flutter around.

I am having the same issue with the filter cutoff knob on the Crowbar instrument. Very odd.

Anyone else seeing the same? Is this issue already documented?


The Intensity knob in the Filter/Tremolo area relates to the LFO sweep depth on the resonant filter's cutoff value. The LFO has to be turned on to enable it. The LFO on/off switch is just below the main Filter On/Off switch.

When you turn the LFO switch On, that will convert the filter from manually sweepable to self-oscillating mode. You'll notice that once you do that, the Free/Sync switch appears and the Intensity and Rate knobs both become active and no longer appear grayed out. When enabled, those control the speed and depth of the LFO pulse. You'll also see the value display change from "--" to the current control value.

If the Free/Sync switch is turned off, the LFO will pulse at a freely adjustable rate measured in Hz. If you turn the Free/Sync switch on, that will lock it to your BPM and the value will be measured in beat divisions, allowing everything from whole notes all the way up to 64th note triplets.

If you want to manually adjust the filter without the LFO sweeping, just leave the LFO switch off (dark) and just adjust the Cutoff and Resonance ("Reso.") values.


Thanks for the response. It took me a while to understand exactly it was all related, but it does appear that all works exactly as you described. Thanks for taking the time to clear it up for me.


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