DCAM Modular Synth?

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dhalfen wrote:I've been looking at Cypher over the past two days, and all I can say is:

HOLY $#!&!!!!!

Angus' implication is absolutely correct - this MONSTER is a modular synth. It just doesn't have the usual "dressings" we've come to expect from such beasts.

I was already all ga-ga over Strobe (and running multiple instances of it in Fusor) -- but when you throw Cypher into the mix -- :o :shock: :o

With all of the modulation possibilities within each synth and between them with Fusor, this set is like using several ARP 2500s - a simile all-the-more-appropriate because of that synth's "matrix" patching.

This thing's going to keep me busy for QUITE a while. :love:
It does sound great.

but - as he said though it doesn't do the audio rate modulation (that ACE and an ARP2600 do), which prevents it from doing some sounds that ACE does.

*but it does have great modulation capabilities.

**however, I'm not sure it's the easiest to use modulation system...



_leras wrote:It does sound great.

but - as he said though it doesn't do the audio rate modulation (that ACE and an ARP2600 do), which prevents it from doing some sounds that ACE does.

*but it does have great modulation capabilities.

**however, I'm not sure it's the easiest to use modulation system...

I've been realizing more and more that Thor in Reason is quite competent in this area as well. At first glance, the MBRS (Mod Bus Routing System) in Thor might look like your everyday mod matrix but you can audio rate modulate stuff from an oscillator (i.e. linear or exp filter fm, linear or exp oscillator fm) and you can do feedback (i.e. route osc/filter/amp etc back into it self). And yeah, you can actually break it up pretty nasty if you are not careful. Also you can push the LFO up in audio range (even if they don't go there by default). You can actually even take the output of the filters, or shaper, or amp and use that as an FM source. Also you can make an oscillator drop down to LFO rates (even though OSC's doesn't have a LFO mode switch. For instance, It's quite cool to drop the wavetable or phase distortion oscillators down to LFO rates and use these as a modulation source.


Zergling wrote: Im pretty sure if FXPANSION made a DCAM modular synth it would be a monster...
I noticed that the FXpansion logo is on the RE page from Propellerheads. I hope that they make Rack Extentions versions of theire DCAM synths with a lot of CV and audio connectors to abuse Reason's modular routing system :D


justin3am wrote:I really wish all synths and effects were modular. I'm not being sarcastic or anything, I'm serious. I always have these weird desires to use the LFO or envelope follower from a synth to control a parameter on an effect or vice versa. The problem is, most people that use synths, don't think that way. I agree that a modular synth squad would be bad ass. I just make do with ACE and my analogue modular.
Semi Modular Synths or DSP Modular environment's like Reaktor, I've gone over to Max 4 Live because the modulation over API/Effect and Synth can affectively be done simultaneously if you wish, however depending on the way in which you write you tracks, it's a question of saving CPU useage on a project against the need to be inventive in it's writing. I guess many of us computer users have a need for both, but at some point I think you have to decide on which is more important for your own approval and what need.


I'm finding Dcam has a larger learning curve than I realized. The videos help but I'm having to re read the manual. A d d is not helping :(
The matrix is the biggest sticking point for me, any good video addressing it?


Although I don't have any DCAM product, I read the Synth Squad manual as a bedtime story each time before sleeping. There are loads of undiscovered possibilities. Mostly using the poly/unison voices as mod sources. TransMod is much more versatile and powerful than a simple mod matrix.

I'd reckon Fxpansion to do some more Synth Squad quicktips before even thinking of a new product. :)

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