Kaossilator Pro + Ableton Live 8 (Mac) + midiNotesToCC

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Has anyone used this combination to play the Kaossilator Pro's synth sounds with an external MIDI keyboard? Not quite sure how to get it to work. I know the KO Pro's synth engine only responds to MIDI CCs, so this plugin should do the trick. I just haven't been able to figure it out.



first you'll have to set up Live to send the midi through midiNotesToCC. i think you have to use two tracks, kind of like this:
setting "MIDI From" your controller on the first track and "MIDI To" the Kaossilator on the second track.

for how to set the plugin, without having one myself i can't say for sure, but i looked at the kaossilator pro's manual... three CCs appear to control the touch pad:
Touch pad X-axis - Control change (#12)
Touch pad Y-axis - Control change (#13)
Touch pad on/off - Control change (#92)

so you could set "Note to CC" to 12 and "Velocity to CC" to 13, maybe??

hopefully this is enough to get started...
wrongtastic, baby
tucson's number one gothic rock band since 1995


Thanks insertpizhere, but "Note to CC" can't be set to 12. SAdly, I found out yesterday from another forum that even if I got the MIDINotestoCC to work, the mappings are really complex and sadly not worth the time. :(

Thanks for the help anyway.


For the record, is there any documentation on what all the various settings do in midiNotestoCC? I just set up the configuration as you suggested, just to try it out. I can only get one note to fire, no matter where I press on my keyboard. Thanks.


Never mind. I figured it out. The mappings are indeed a pain. The problem is that each program has a different octave range and scale mode. Even if you got on Program set up completely right, it would all go to hell in a hand basket as soon as you changed to a different program. Maybe Korg will come up with a savvy way to address this in the next firmware update. :)


So, yeah, it could be a real pain to have different set ups with different programs on the KO-Pro. I would suggest you set the octave range to a range that is compatible with all of the programs, for instance, a 2 octave range. I personally, since I use modes to write songs in, don't use the chromatic setting, I use Ionian, Mixolydian, etc. In these settings theres only sixteen notes to deal with, and I can lower or raise the root note's octave to suit what I'm doing. I suppose if I was setting it up with a keyboard, it may make more sense to use the chromatic scale, but anyway, that gives you 26 notes to deal with. The way I figured out the note values for the octave range was to go into ableton and raise the cc value one at a time, and then finding the value for every note in the scale. I was using CC to send signals from ableton that I already laid out, but I never had a problem worrying about the range of the program, because the program settings are all greater than 2 octaves. How many octaves do you really need for what your doing? I mean it's monophonic. Sure it would be nice to have as many as possible, but I'm pretty sure all the programs would work with a setting of 3 or 4 octaves. Just set the octave range, rather than having it set to program. I don't have MIDInotestoCC or whatever, I'm going to look into getting it, last time I was checking it out there was not a way to do it on a mac, so when it was necessary for me to be accurate in a range of notes greater than one octave (it's easy enough to play notes correctly with it set on 1 octave), I would have to program it rather than play it with a keyboard. Anyway, thanks for the heads up on the plugin, and try using it with a set octave number, I'm sure that will work, there was never an issue when I was programming it. Also, one thing you could do is set a solid block of note on at a given note value, placing a small gap between each distinct note, and use the gate arm to sequence out how it plays the notes.

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