I love AGC but.......

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I've had AGC (and more recently Torch) for a while now and I've really got to grips with it. I think I've got to the point where I understand how to get what I want from it without too much trouble but there are a few things I would like to have it do that it doesn't currently seem to do.

Firstly, after I've set the strum velocities it's hard to see what they're set at. I can click on them to see but that often reduces or increases the velocity and changes the sound. If possible, I would like to hover the mouse over the "strum" and be able to see the velocity.

Secondly, I would like to be able to use whatever strings I want. For example, if I play a C7b9 on a real guitar, I only use the four inner strings (A string/C - D string/E - G string/Bb - B string/Db) but this isn't possible in StrumMaker as far as I can see. I can achieve that chord on lower strings but it doesn't sound quite right.
I don't know how many others would feel the same about this but I would find it very useful. So useful in fact that I would be happy to purchase a new version rather than expect it as a free update.

A third, slightly lesser request, would be for more user and less preset slots.

I appreciate that you're busy with the Solid State Symphony at the moment (another sound library that I'm looking forward to) but if you ever return to AGC (and I for one hope you will even though it's superb without my suggestions) perhaps you'd consider what I've said, if it's possible of course.



I do plan to revisit Strummaker and AGC after I'm done with Solid State, and these are good suggestions.

On the Fretboard, I hope to make it possible to select notes by clicking the location on the string(s), rather than the current pull-down menus. This will be much easier on Kontakt 4/5 as compared to Kontakt 3.

Choosing any strings you want is something that I've been considering also. You can actually choose the 4 inner strings (as in your C7b9) in Torch.
When you really think about what happens when a guitar player pulls a pick across several strings, you realize that you can't just create a simple quick arpeggio- the velocities and timing between the notes must change, and all of this must change dynamically depending on the initial key velocity! I found that what works in a 6 string G major chord doesn't necessarily work on a 4 string D major chord, so that is why you see the String Selection presets in StrumMaker. I just experimented with each preset until it 'felt' right. If I can get this to translate into a system where you can choose any active strings you want it will be a good thing.

The Strum Sequencer could see some changes also, including a more accurate way to choose velocities.

I appreciate that you would be willing to pay for a new version. No doubt a better businessman would limit the free updates! (As it stands now, if someone bought the original AGC Akai CD-rom in 2005, they have never paid anything else after moving to Kontakt and all the updates since then.) I'm considering adding new guitars and releasing it as AGC II, or whatever. Our current customers would only pay the difference in price.


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