(NEWLY REMASTERED June 2011) Free album using only Soniccouture instruments

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UPDATE: Thanks a lot to you guys who've checked out my album. It was by far my most popular release, (more than three times as many downloads as my second most popular) and a lot of the traffic was from here.

I wanted to let you all know that this month I released a completely remastered version of the album. The difference is like night and day. PLEASE check it out if you were a fan the first time around. And if you're new, then feel free to listen as well! It's still free. :D

I've humanized all of the instruments, made velocity tweaks throughout, and completely remixed and remastered the whole thing. I've gone back and remastered old music before, but this was the first time my jaw dropped when I compared the two version. Maybe that says more for the crappiness of the first mix than it does for this new one. ;)

Download it here:

http://vlantis.bandcamp.com/album/silen ... remastered

These are the instruments I used:

Balinese Gamelan (Live version)
Pan Drum
Bowed Piano
Bowed Gamelan
Ableton Session Drums (only thing not from Soniccouture)

I'm slowly working on a follow up to this album, and again I'm using only Soniccouture stuff, but I'm not sure when I'm going to finish it. I've released some stuff after this, and I've got two new ones coming out within a month, but they're totally different than this.

Thanks again for the support (and big thanks to Soniccouture for using some of my tracks as demos). Hope you enjoy.
Last edited by Vlantis on Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Download all of my albums for free here.


i really like some of these tracks, particularly :

Lacuna Pule

Ascension: Diabolical

Haggle Hole

i like he way it sounds modern, and even hi-tech, without using any electronic sounds at all. You've created a great atmosphere for the whole album, it all hangs together as one.

my only criticism is a technical one - it's not loud enough enough! We may be interested in using a couple of tracks as demos, if you agree. if so, i'd probably master the tracks from the FLAC download.

I'll also see if Ableton want to use any on their site, since they were produced in Live, I assume?



James, that means A LOT to me! I'd be honored if you wanted to use them for whatever purposes you'd like! And yes, these were produced in Live 8.

You're right about the volume levels. I'm not so great at mastering, so I was worried about putting too much compression on these tracks. My usual stuff is more electropop, so I feel okay pumping up the volumes on those, but I didn't want to potentially ruin these songs by boosting the volume too much.

Feel free to download the FLAC versions of those. If you'd like to talk further about things, feel free to contact me by email or through these forums.

vlantis01@yahoo.com (I'm the guy who asked you about the price discrepancy a few days ago).

Thanks again! Weather or not you actually use my songs, the fact that you enjoyed it made my day.
Download all of my albums for free here.


I for one like the volume levels!

End the loudness wars!


Download all of my albums for free here.


DragonSagoth wrote:I for one like the volume levels!

End the loudness wars!
IMO this type of music needn't be "loud" (ie compressed, slammed) to be enjoyable.
I rather prefer dynamics.

Great album btw.
Thanks for making it available for free.


Thanks for the kind words, my friend. I'd like this to be little louder and sound a little "fuller" but I'm just not that knowledgeable when it comes to mastering.

Once I purchase some more soniccouture stuff, I'm going to try and make something like this again. I'd like it to be more complicated the next time around.

Thanks for checking it out!
Download all of my albums for free here.


Well, it's been a year since this was released, and I just wanted to bump this because the album has been completely remastered and sounds about a thousand times better now (more info in the updated first post). Grab it for free here:
http://vlantis.bandcamp.com/album/silen ... remastered

Last edited by Vlantis on Mon Jul 11, 2011 11:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
Download all of my albums for free here.


I like these sounds! The songs are nice and it sounds like Skiddaw Stones are in there too, even though they're not listed in your original list of sounds.

The loudness of the streaming songs seems fine on my DAW system here. But knowing my system, this typically means that it's too quiet for other sound systems. I just know the nature of my DAW, that's all.

And yes, I really need to learn how to make my own music louder, without lighting up the clip beacon in Cubase or squashing all the life out of it. :(

Keep up with this. I plan to download the songs to my iPod so I can enjoy them on the go. :D


Thanks for listening! I've got skiddaw Stones, but they aren't used in this album. They'll be on the follow-up, though (whenever that comes out).

As for the volume, I'm assuming you're referring to the comments that Soniccouture made in this thread. That is no longer an issue, because the volume has been raised with the remastering. I couldn't raise it TOO much, though, because I was getting some bad distortion with some of the bells, but it certainly sounds better than the old one.

Thanks again!

If anybody is interested in listening to a comparison between the old and new version you can listen here:

http://soundcloud.com/vlantis/silent-ea ... e-and-iron

Please keep in mind that soundcloud only streams in 128k and the newer mixes weren't finished at the time, but it'll give you a general idea of how different they sound.
Download all of my albums for free here.


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