Sonar 8.5 plugin scanner crashes scanning Kong Audio plugins latest updates

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I have just installed Kong Audio's latest updates and finds that the Sonar 8.5 Plugin scanner crashes each time around on each of these plugins.
Is anybody else experiencing this?


Hi Conrad,

We have finally obtained Sonar 8.5 and have tested with it, but we can't reproduce any errors here scanning our plugins. If you have some special settings, please drop us a line and let us know, so we can try to recreate the issue.


Hi KongAudio,

I'm still having problems with scanning the latest updates of KongAudio plugins.
I reasontly bought Presanus Studio One Pro and are having the same problem. The plugins On first scan gets marked as not usable. After scanning trying to insert Studio One crash. I then tried NI Kore 2 within Studio One. It also crash scanning these plugins. I'm surprised out of about 500 plugins on my system, these are the only ones that has crashes 3 different programs.
I need to get this sorted, any help will be appreciated. Regards Conrad


@sosay: I have 8.5.3 installed. If you have a demo version that would behave the same, I can try it here and let you know what happens.

@Conrad: You've got the latest Sonar update, right? Are you using the 32- or 64-bit version?


I have the latest Sonar version.
I'm running Windows Vista x64bit.
My concern is that I experience the same issue in Presanus Studio One Pro and in Kore 2. There is about 8 Kong Audio plugins on my system. Scanning each one of them these programs crash and I have to restart. Start the scanning process and then it tells me it is disabling the previous plugin that caused the system to crash. This only happened after the last update. I can try and install a previous version of the plugin and see... will let you know.


try loading JUST the plug-ins in question and see if that still crashes.

with 500+ plugs on your system, i would start by simplifying. if the kong audio plugs don't crash when they are the only ones being scanned, then you can try to start adding back plugs to see when the problems start...

in other words, the scanner could be getting confused by some other plug and finally crashing when it gets to the kong audio plugs...

i don't have these plugs, but i have had problems like this...

good luck.


Oo. I missed the 500 plug-ins bit. Yes, I'd reduce for testing.


I moved my KongAudio plugin directory to a different drive and installed an older version of ChineeGuQin plugin as a test.

Scanning the plugin, no problem.
I can insert the plugin into Presanus Studio One and use it.

What is then causing the issue with the latest plugin updates.

My reference to 500 plugins refers to about 210 Instrument plugins, the rest is some of the same plugins with different outputs and ofcourse effects.

Honestly it is only the latest updates the KongAudio plugins that crash these programs.


i would still simplify since the kong audio guys can't reproduce it.

there may be some strange interaction that only occurs when some random combo of vsts are scanned (yes, it shouldn't happen, but you are experiencing the bug...and the devs are not...)

by discovering the simplest reproducible case, you will enable the devs to pursue the issue.

so narrow it down.

again, good luck!


Hi KongAudio,

Did you guys run the demo version of Sonar on Windows Vista x64?

Do you guys know of any other users running MS Vista x64?

Since it crashed with the latest updates in Sonar, I have tested it in Presanus Studio One Pro and in NI Kore 2. All of them crash scanning the the plugins.

I removed the latest updates and tested a previous release and it was working fine.

I then copied my KongAudio directory with latest updates to a different directory and pointed Presanus VSTplugin folder to the KongAudio Directory (no other VST plugins except KongAudio) scanning = crash.


Hi KongAudio,

I tried these plugins in Orion.
The system crashes twice while scanning.

All the plugins appears in the VSTplugin directory for Orion inside the program.
When I insert any one plugin it seems fine. Every time I try to insert sometimes two or more of these plugins the system crash.

That maybe explains why these programs crash upon scanning these plugins one after the other. The system picks up something the second and third time that it can't handle and crash.



Using savihost2.

I would open ChineeErhu, ChineeGuanZi, ChineeGuQin, ChineeGuZheng together. As soon as I open ChineeHulusi, savihost2 crash.

Then I open ChineeHulusi in savihost2, working fine. I would open ChineeNanXiao and savihost2 would crash.

I would open ChineeNanXiao on its own, and will work fine.


Hi Conrad.

Sorry to hear that you are having troubles. It's unclear from your posts whether your Sonar is 32-bit or 64-bit. 32-bit Sonar should work fine. But it seems that you are having problem in several hosts (still, you should use 32-bit hosts) and even in the standalone mode, so you may need to pause your antivirus scanner, which we suspect may be in conflict, and see if that helps.

Also worth mentioning that we will have a major update(it's really a major one!) for all existing plugins which should ease the issue more or less.

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