MenuMagic RC , this soft rocks , resizing window possible?

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this soft rocks :love:
very good interface and design ,
it comes very handy and help save a lot of time ,
you guys should work for cakewalk

works perfect ,didnt had a single bug until now,
wish the main windows could be resized ,or maximised
like in sonar pluginslist ,this feature would be great.

big support for this soft.
cant wait for the release version.


Glad you like it :D

I will look at maximizing/resizing possibilities as an update after the release.
ImageCakewalk/Sonar Plugin Management Tools


I have looked into this. Resizing MenuMagic works for some screens but not the whole program. There are 3 areas, that I see, where a full screen mode really makes sense:

1)Status tab (MenuMagic status)
Currently there is no option to resize this screen. I am looking into this as a possible new feature. Since v1.0 is coming out this week this is definitely a post v1.0 update (v1.01 or v1.1). There are some other changes I am considering for this screen as well having to do with the grid and what information is displayed. For example being able to see what changes you've made with your plug-ins (but not yet saved) during the current MenuMagic session.

2)Menu Creation tab for Sonar 6/7
Already implemented. There is a button labeled 'Full Screen' in the bottom right hand corner just above the Quit button.

3)Plug-in Info Grid tab
Already implemented. In the upper right corner just under the 'Settings/Options' tab button there is an red icon with 4 arrow heads pointing to the corners. If you run your mouse over it, it turns into a button and the hint text says "Make the Plug-in Info Grid full screen size"

... Steven
ImageCakewalk/Sonar Plugin Management Tools

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