Recommend me some books!

Chords, scales, harmony, melody, etc.


OMG, so many interesting books. From what you're telling me about them, I want to read em all! Damn, that would take a looong time... Hey! :x Are you guys trying to get rid of me!? :hihi:

Seriously, I really appreciate the input! Amazon, here I come...


A similar topic came up in the past, I recommended some books here (scroll down to see my post).

Hwr, like I said in that thread, the best way to learn is by doing things yourself, rather than reading (I find I often forget what I've read, but I rarely forgot things I've done). Listening to music tracks you like, then trying to identify & emulate techniques within them (eg crescendos, solos, etc, etc) is another good way of learning by doing :)

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