New FREE refill: DoruMALAIA - SUPERDRUMS 8000_DEMO ! Enjoy m

Sampler and Sampling discussion (techniques, tips and tricks, etc.)


it was free thinking
not a personal attack ( i couldn`t think up a reason why i should attack ya)

get used to it`s how i am.
one thought leeds to another
but i pretty much love the whole world. :lol:
that is including you
blame my split personality`s making war with eachother

do you have the samples now sir ?


Hey PU,

no I don't have the samples. Because I want to know if they are stolen or not. Whoever owns the copyright I don't know. I only want to be legal. Same as with VSTis. I don't use cracks anymore. That's all.


in that case you are a good man !
I don't use cracks either.
and I don't use crack either :lol:
I do smoke grass from time to time :oops:
but that isn't illegal. :lol:
but that was the reason why I was wondering :?
I mean let's say he collected them all himself like I often do by just cutting sounds from old songs. Would it be illegal enough for you to not download

There must be a borderline but I can't detect it :lol:
There must be a copyright but I can't protect it
There must be a moral but I can't project it
There must be something stinky but I can't reject it --- for now

simply a wonderful bank
so .... let's call him the author and ask for his resources
...erm ... what are your recourses sir ?

i always assume people are good and honest untill evidence to the contrary pops up.


Actually it's the old theme.

I'm no more into this grey zone thingy. :wink:

My resources for drums sounds: Will be Stylus in the future as I started to dig into it. VERY GOOD sounds. So I think it was even wrong to bother downloading several megs before I heard all sounds of Stylus and really had a need for different sounds. :hihi: (my favourite emoticon, just wanted to use it :D )


I think the whole legal debate, except for your standard "crack software thread" is quite absurd when it comes to single hit samples.

I'll wager that at least two thirds of the tons of "free" 909/EMU/whatever samples you get on the innumerable sites (like 90% of my 1000+ drum samples :eek: ) are "illegal". Not that I think that Roland and other companies care about it all that much.

Marco :)


Sorry Caleb,I mis-read your statement.I thought you had already downloaded the samples and checked them out.If you have broadband give them a go,I think you'll find a least a few that are useful.It is certainly conceivable that someone may not find any of them worth keeping but that would suprise me a lot. :)

As for the legal question.I can not speak for Doru but I get the impression that he sampled these instruments himself or was responsible for the actual recordings with the help of others.I'm sure he will be along to answer the concerns himself.I feel bad for giving him a hard time in my first few posts,he seems like a really nice guy. :oops:

PS When I get my SuperDrums 8000 .wav disc I'll post a little review in this thread.If the demo samples are any indication I'll be quite happy. :D


Hello my friends and sorry for the long delay in answer , has my birthday and you must to understand me !

All the samples has produced by me and my team ! ALL ! If someone want to know more about that , read here : ... lescds.htm

How probably many of you already know , now this SUPERDRUMS 8000 can be finded and in the site of Propellerhead ( Commercial Refills demos section or use the link from the right corner of the homepage)! And they don't joke with the copyright ! But first think about me : someone can imagine that , after 36 years musical experience i can do somthing anti-copyright ? Maybe if i was suicide !
By the other part , to be clear : if someone have any doubt about this , please send to me his personal details to give these to my lawyers ! I don't joke with something like this !
So , i hope , childish questions like this 'll disapear !

Now other news : I work very hard now to give you a new FREE surprise , very useful ! Is called Voices04 ! If someone already use it Voices 01,02 and 03 , know how useful 'll be ! (I already got hundreds of songs composed by various musicians who use these , and more , the soundtracks of few movies )! Very soon , this refill 'll can be downloaded from my webpage ( i will post a topic here when i will finished !)! Ofcourse i will try to find a solution to put and the samples package version of this refill on the Net , but with a little delay !

Doru :)


I'd buy this TODAY if it was in .wav form!! !@#$%^


Homeuser,If you're referring to SuperDrums 8000 there is a .wav version.I ordered it a few days ago and will post a review in this thread when it arrives.8000 drum samples for $29.00 shipping included seemed like a no-brainer to me,of course I'm a drum sample junkie-can't ever have too many drum samples. :D


To Teksonik : thank you , i hope you 'll receive very soon the cd ! (has sended to you PAR AVION , like usualy !).

To Homeuser : read here :

Are 2 different versions ! The samples are the same , but the format is different ! The samples cd version can be used with any program wich know to read wav format ! The cd refill version can be used only in Reason prog.

Doru :)

P.S. Send me please at your advices about what samples must to include on my next free refills (and ofcourse free samples packages versions !). Thank you !


Hey Doru,

thanx for clearing that you own and actually made the samples. Downloading the samples.

Even though it's late: Happy Bithday!!! :band: :band: :band:


Thank you Bajongo ! Ha,ha , your band is so funny !

Is wonderful to see how the music abolish the natural frontiers and we can colaborate like the brothers !

Doru :)

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