Record vocals in cycle

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Hi folks,
ive been reading a lot here. Now is the time to ask for your opinion.
My friend (singer) and me are not too experienced with recording vocals.
I record through a Studio Projects B1 and Behringer-mixer into Creamware-card with Cubase.
Since my friend hasnt too much experince (but talent), it is very hard to get the good takes together, especially for doubling.
Now id like him to sing in cycle, especially to fit the doubling.
If i give him a cycle which is a little bigger than the part, i have the advantage to rearrange the takes mor easily or separate them to different tracks. But this might be against his flow.
He would have to adopt to the rhythm again for every cylce. This is of course not too good for recording doublings, which should fit exactly on the former recorded vocal.
But if i give him an exact musically loop, I would have problems, when he isnt exactly on the "one". So the takes will be cut when i separate them to different tracks.
So first way better for me, second way better for him. Of course i can imagine most of you will say: "Well, then better for him, cause better for the music" :)
But what id like to ask then, how do most of you (and/or) the professionals do this?
After recording the takes i could get the audio from the browser to have it in one peace on a track and then would have to cut each take again and move to separate tracks.
Is that the way its "used to be"?
With this method i would also manipulate the original timing then, and in some cases this could meant to fiddle around with each take.
How do you do it?
Thanks a lot to anyone giving me a hint!
Have a good time!


Here is what I do (totally unprofessionally).

I do the cycle method you proposed (except I don't use cycle, just use separate tracks, since I normally have a drink of water between each take) and record 3 or 4 passes of each section.

I then chop the takes up into little sections and comp the best version I can. (maybe go back and re-record the odd word or phrase?)

Mess with a compressor or two, EQ distortion etc to taste.

In the past I tried doubling but I'm rubbish at it so don't bother now. I now take a stereo delay (as a send effect) with one side set to about 15ms and the other 25ms (I may adjust these but it is a good start) and have it panned hard left and hard right.

I then play with a couple of reverbs on the voice (send effects also), plus try a few other things. (like try doubling, but whisper the words instead of singing and then mix it in real low).

Depends on the track really.

Hope that helps



Thanx rollasoc for your reply!
The "whisper-thing" is very interesting and new aspect for me. Thanx!
Of course if you dont deal with doubling, its allright to record to separrate tracks. But in that way you cant record doubling of course, as you cant hit the proper timing.
About the delay. Ive seen bionic delay. I didnt see any other where you can adjust the ms in the way you told.
Or any other hint?

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