Some questions around peak (?) detections used in loop tools

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I was wondering on how the signal's attacks (or peaks, can i defined these audio events correctly ?) in recycle or phatmatik pro, for example, are recognised and isolated by a slice marker inside the whole sample

And what comes to my mind is, would it have a sense for such engines ( peak detectors ) to make such an analyse in the entire frequency bandwith that it could to be capable to recognise some typical instrument's signature

I mean by "typical signature" something typical, for example:

of a wooden percussion

( like a wooden agogo, or other tuned perc like marimba, balafon, etc... )

or a metallic one

( triangle, vibraphone, tubular bells, etc...)

or even some signals that arent percussive-like with slow attack, ( but typical signature in the whole bandwith )

( a human voice, a flute, dunno...)

And deeper in the concept :

Would it be theorically possible to define a, so to say, variable slice position, depending of the frequency response of well-defined signal's attack ? (or peak)

...maybe some kind of resynthesis fonction could do such an accurate operation ?

Just want to know if it sounds like pure science-fiction to you or not ?


one way to accomplish transient tracking is with envelope differentials. setup 2 envelopes--1 is a long averager (RMS, if you like), the other is a quick averager (again, you could use RMS). the differnce between the 2 (which is somewhat like a crest factor) is analyzed to determine whether a transient has occured. bingo bango, transient tracker!

don't know about the other stuff.


You mean recognise the input instrument? What use would that be?


no, not necessarily the instrument but BTW some type of spectral and transient common factors of an instrument's family


...and by recognizing different kind of impacts ( it dynamic response through the entire frequency bandwith ), adapting one way or another the discomposition in separate slices of the original audiofile consequently ( as well as it could maybe create the base of a slice's recomposition method, i may imagine ... )

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