VSTGUI Builder RAD tool released

DSP, Plugin and Host development discussion.


ost12666 wrote:Another vote for a version that generates JUCE code...I already used this tool to generate the coordinates for a JUCE project since I could not find anything simpler and quick to use
Yeah... but I'm lazy :oops:, and I've currently got far more interesting projects on the go. I don't really have the motivation to start on my original plan of a platform-agnostic RAD tool at the moment (VSTGUI Builder may have only taken me a couple of weeks to write, but the sequel would be a far more complex beast, and I've still no idea how I'd draw widgets as they'd appear when drawn in their widget set). Keep at me though, I'm bound to give in eventually :wink: (probably when I start a project which doesn't use VSTGUI and needs a big, complicated gui).
ost12666 wrote:Comment about JUCE and GPL. JUCE is GPL (and not LGPL) but if you want you can buy a commercial license and then your JUCE program does not have to be GPL.

I am using JUCE so I made my stuff GPL also but I know that if I want to make it commercial it will cost me few hundred pounds and I can make it commercial, I wouldn't use it if this option didn't exist.
Actually, I was always planning on making the program GPL, as I don't think something like this should be proprietary (and I can't imagine I'd make much money from it anyway). Licensing the RAD tool under the GPL shouldn't actually restrict how the users license the code it generates, as there's a clause in the GPL that states that the output of a GPL-ed program (i.e. the RAD tool) does not have to be licensed under the GPL. This is why you can use GCC to compile proprietary programs, even though the compiler is licensed under the GPL. The only thing I'd have to be a little careful about is making sure the RAD tool doesn't use any code from GPL-incompatible libraries, as this would invalidate the GPL, and effectively mean the program had no license, but using JUCE (or wxWidgets) wouldn't provide any problem.

- Niall.


That's very helpful, NiallM.
Thank you very much.


thanks for sharing your work. Looks interesting.


Cool, thanks a lot!

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