Tone2 Audiosoftware has updated its Firebird+ plugin to 2.0 and released it as freeware. FireBird features Harmonic Content Morphing (HCM) synthesis.
New features and enhancements:
- Enhanced sound: Less aggressive treble, more smooth.
- Ultra quality is selected by default.
- Lower CPU because of SSE2 support.
- Faster loading and saving of songs.
- Smart installer which automatically detects the correct location.
- Enhanced host compatibility.
- Accidentally visiting the website by clicking on the logos is not longer possible.
- Reworked some graphics.
- First patch was clipping in some hosts.
- The product is now freeware (previously $79).
- Keyfile is not longer required.
- Iqm is switched to off by default.
Further notes:
- V2.0 is downward compatible with previous versions.
- CPU can reduced by selecting a lower quality in 'setup'.
More information can be found on the Tone2 website.