Tobybear has released a flurry of new instruments and effects recently, and updated an old favourite, details below:
Helios updated to v1.5:
- Supports almost all WAV formats, e.g. 8, 16, 20, 24, 32 bits, in mono and stereo, float and integer files, extended headers, etc.
- Improved WAV loader.
- Many small bug fixes.
- Drag and drop of WAV files from Windows Explorer now possible!
Screamer released (v1.1b) - a simple freeware 303-clone with step sequencer:
- Screenshot
- Delphi source code for the 303 emulation and the step sequencer included.
- A MIDI only version is also available, it is called Stepper (v1.2).
Also released:
- MetroGnome - A metronome.
- Humanisator - An anti-quantisizer.
- MicroTuner - Add microtuning capabilities to every VSTi and external synth.
- Wobbler - A cross between a tapestop and a scratcher.
- RazorPlayer - A live-recording/beat-slicing plugin.
- Arpimedes - Arpeggiator plugin for MIDI that has adjustable pattern rhythm and speed.