SKYLIFE SampleRobot Summer Sale 2019
June 23, 2019Started:
SKYLIFE is offering 25% off SampleRobot Pro, SampleRobot Multi-X and SampleRobot Korg+Wave until June 23rd.
Just enter this coupon when ordering in the Skylife Store: SAM-SUM-19
Benefits of SampleRobot (abiding by relevant copyright laws and license agreements):
- Build your own sample instruments easily.
- Create digital copies of your favorite instruments and sounds fast.
- Turn virtual instruments and complex sound layers into CPU-lightweight multisamples.
- Play in other studios or on stage without carrying additional keyboards / sound expanders.
- Perform laptop-based sounds on stage without laptop by using a hardware sample player.
- Shape optimum loops for loop-based arrangements.
- Build and sell/share your own sample libraries.
- Have all your sound hardware on your hard disk and travel with your laptop.
- Buy used gear and resell it after the automatic sampling procedure.
- Use all your software instruments cross-platform and independently from specific operation systems.
- Play monophonic instruments polyphonically.
- Have total recall and editing capabilities for all instruments in every session.
Key features
- Fast sampling process.
- Fully automated workflow.
- Sample export in various formats.
- Intuitive project assistant.
- Sophisticated autoloop processing, transient recognition and sample editing.
- Many loop and crossfade types including autogain crossfades.
- Premium multisamples taken from classic synthesizers included.