Seaweed Audio has updated Fathom Synth to v2.2.0.
- Complete overhaul of all processor code hit by Mac OS X plugin validation.
- Removed the saving of GUI plugin settings out of the audio processor completely so there is absolutely no chance they can interfere with host validation by going to disk during the validation process.
- Moved creation of the Audio Engine back into the processor constructor so there is no chance of it being missing for any task the host could possibly perform on the plugin during validation.
- Reviewed Xcode build parameters which could cause Cubase validation failure in Mac OS X leading to Cubase blacklist error.
- Fixed Bug 0063 Plugin not loading host data block until after GUI is loaded.
- Dial ranges now update in real time for modulation of mod amount.
- Added program name edit box back to the top of the browser view, but also retained the wide folder path edit box to accommodate long folder paths.
- Reduced parameter stuttering by moving host notification to when the GUI is closed rather than on every parameter dial movement.