reViSiT v0.87.3 alpha is now available.
- A new interface, with split toolbar/editing windows, featuring:
- Fully resizable pattern editing
- Support for dual monitors.
- Support for resolutions up to 3200x1200 (2x1600x1200).
- A maximize facility to quickly restore/enlarge the pattern editor window.
- Fully positionable window (just click on the top bar and drag).
- A completely new aesthetic.
- The pattern forms the foundation of a new editing window; other screens now appear as movable popup dialogs in the foreground of the pattern. Without sacrificing 100% compatible with earlier IT2 and reViSiT keyboard commands - change between pattern and other pages with the F-keys, or use Escape to "backup" to the pattern editor.
- A new toolbar interface; can be used without displaying the editing window (to forego graphics processing completely) for playback only. Can be completely ignored / safely hidden - all functions are available from the editing window and through the keyboard.