Does a 'Vst Bundle' include "Content" - Desperate Producer

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I purchased the "Thenatan Super VST Bundle". I've been advised to install 'software', and 'Vst's' on my 'C:'; so I would think to install all the plugins on my 'C:'... While some plugins are very small (40mb), some are large (5+gb)... Does that mean the large ones also have separate "Content" I'm supposed to move/install on the 'D:'???
I'm still learning about "optimizing" and putting "content" on my 2nd internal 'ssd' (D:) not my 'C:
Dumb question, but thanks anyone for helping.


Often, with instruments/effects that have libraries that big, they let you specify the library location for the preset/sample/impulse response/etc etc content.

On Windows, having your libraries and projects somewhere else than on your C: partition is good practice, yes.

You have your operating system and program environment all set up and configured on C: - that is, the OS and application installations, personal configurations and customizations, activations, controller settings, everything of that nature - and this can be imaged and restored quite nimbly when ever necessary, as program environments like this stay relatively compact by today's standards. When switching your boot drive, for example in the case of an upgrade or a drive failure, you can also conveniently restore this image in a bootable state just like that.

Also, in turn, you have all the library and project content, recordings, renderings, downloads, and so on, somewhere else, on another partition - which can also be situated on a fast external drive or, say, a dedicated fast NVMe drive for heavy multisample streaming and what have you (and then, you probably aren't going to store passive data like downloads on that one, of course, but you get the idea :)) - and this material can be conveniently backed up (on the file level, not imaged) and moved and operated independently from the actual system partition/drive and software installations/configurations.


Okay, I really appreciate the help & explanation. So yeah my 2 drives are 'Internal SSD's'. I'll keep adding the software and that stuff on the 'C:'... The only thing that confused me about "content" was that the "content" includes 'vst presets'... Is it best to not be on the 'C:'(os/software)??? I thought I was advised to never move 'vst presets' but hopefully I was wrong b/c then I can easily move "content" for the 'VSTi's' to the 'D:'. . . Thanks again


vst presets are very small files and are fine on the C: drive, often inside the Documents folder ...
Samples and other large files may be better on the D: drive. I have 3 1TB SSD's in my laptop. one for programs (C), one for samples, music projects and other audio (D), and a third for video projects and my music collection (E).

I have a couple of USB drives for backups connected via a hub too. :)


Depending on the synth/effect, the installer will usually know where to install the presets for VSTs. As @thecontrolcentre mentioned, these are very small files and they are not streamed in real time (the preset just loads a snapshot of values when selected from the preset browser) so there is no need to be concerned about any performance effects on your C:drive. It's probably best to let the installer decide where to save them so that the VST automatically loads them into its preset browser.
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