Legato mode in 2.3.1?

Official support for: rogerlinndesign.com


I was VERY excited about the fix to the arpeggiator bug in 2.3.1, but now legato mode (what most arpeggiators call latch) seems to no longer work at all.

How I think it's supposed to work: I play a set of notes (let's say a 1-5-9 triad) and take my hand off and it holds it until I play another set of notes (say a 1-3-b7 triad), which replace the first 3.

This is useful for arpeggiation when you want to set up a groove and switch chords without messing with the number of notes, thereby transforming the groove and confusing your drummer :-)

How it works: I play the 1-5-9 and take my hand off and the notes stop playing.

Just in case it was some combo of settings, I've tried on both single-channel and MPE mode. No love.

Can anyone confirm this is either a bug or that there's been a change in functionality?

What I need is for legato mode to work like it worked before. Latch mode ADDS notes until you turn it off, which is cool but not what I want because of the aforementioned don't-want-to-confuse-the-groove problem with said drummer.



Oops. I've just confirmed that 2.3.1 breaks the Arpeggiator's "Legato" Foot/Panel Switch assignment. Sorry about that. We're working on a fix and will post it to the Updating Software page as soon as possible. Thanks to Jonathan for discovering the bug.


Hi all,

Geert is on the case! He fixed the bug in version 2.3.2, now available on the Updating Software page.


Alas, I don't think it's fixed. Here's the test: choose an arpeggio mode (eg, down). Turn on legato mode. (Legato mode now turns on--welcome back, old friend!)

Now, hit a triad. Sounds good.

Now, hit a different triad with the same root note. You will hear the lowest note repeated so the cycle is 4 notes instead of 3. also. I've tried with up, down and up-down. Same issue. If you switch the root note, it doesn't get confused.

Oh, and sometimes I get a glitch when I lift my hands off.


Argh! I'm sorry, Jonathan. I'll post here when there's a new fix.


Hi all,

The bug that Jonathan found above (thanks, Jonathan!) was not related to the new 2.3.1/2.3.2 update but rather has existed in all previous versions:

"When enabling Legato with the Arpeggiator in Channel Per Note mode, playing the same chord repetitively would add a new root note each time."

Geert fixed it in new version 2.3.3, which I've just posted on the Updating Software page.


And I am very happy to see it fixed. Thank you Roger and Geert!

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