Ableton 11 Automation Not Accepting Typed in Values VST3

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When I go to edit modulation points on the arrangement view, I noticed if I try to enter a value by right clicking on a point and selecting "Enter Value" it doesn't matter what I type in it snaps to the lowest possible value.

I draw in some modulation on the filter cutoff and I want the last point of this modulation to land back in its original position. Normally for the last point I will just do the "enter value" because it's a lot fast than holding control and dragging the modulation point back to the exact same spot.

Side Note: I have noticed this with another synth when using the VST3 version. Part of me suspects that Live 11 is just a little finicky with this specific feature and it really should be Ableton working to make it less so. Unfortunately, I doubt that will happen anytime soon and I do know this feature works in other synths, so it is possible. BTW it does work perfectly fine in VST2 mode, but then it’s just the generic values 0-127.


Additionally this also means when setting up an instrument rack and making macros I am unable to type in values for the range I want the macros to modulate in the synth. I can just drag the values by clicking and moving the mouse up or down. Usually I know what rough values I want so it definitely is a time saver to have this working.


Strange, on my Ableton Live 11 it's called "Edit Value", not "Enter Value" and it works fine for both VST2 and VST3 versions.
Either way, this is pure Ableton Live functionality and cannot be controlled or changed by the plugin.

Also, the VST2 version does not use generec 0-127 values, the automation parameters accept 0-10 with 0.001 step accuracy.


Not sure where my head was at when I worte this post because you are aboslutely right about the "Edit Value" and the VST2 using 0-10. My mind tends to focus less on specifics when explaining things which isn't always the most helpful. My mind thinks "generic" values and for some reason I default to MIDI value ranges when I go to type it out, or I write "Enter" rather than "Edit".

Anyways, I appreciate you're response. I did have a feeling there this was an Ableton Live issue but I figured I'd post that it was happening here in case there was something that could be done on your end. I'll make a post in the Ableton forum because this isn't the first VST3 plugin I've run into bug as I mentioned in my previous post.

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