How do I assign sounds to midi channels of my multitimbral external synthesizer ?

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How do I assign sounds to midi channels of my multitimbral external synthesizer( Triton LE) and have it recalled each time I open EnergyXT

In Massiva, I was creating events :
•cc bank select
•cc controller 32
•Program change (number of the sound)

Now I am lost. Thanks for your help.


I assume you already have several tracks in the sequencer for your Triton LE which run on different MIDI channels and their outputs are set to MIDI Out.
If you expand a track then on the bottom left there is a '+' for assigning a controller.
Click on it and select 'Program Change'.
Now a new Controller lane got added. Double click on it to create a Program Change event.
It is quite tricky to change the value of this event to a special value like e.g. 17.
Click on the Program Change lane's 'header' on the left side to activate this lane.
Then use the right (or left) cursor keys to select the event(s). Now - with the object bar open (press 'o' to show it at the top of the sequencer area) - you can - if a Program Change event is selected - change it's value and position in the object bar.
I just tested it with my external keyboard and I was able to set the programs for different channels this way.
P.S.: I used the built in MIDI Out component, because my first try with midiOut plugin by InsertPizHere didn't work.
This is with energyXT 2.7.
Hope this help,


Dear Patrick,

Many many many thanks for having taken the time to help me, and thanks for your good advices.
The best to you !



Dear Patrik,

I followed your instructions and it sends Prgm change properly, but now, since I got 4 banks of sounds in TRITON Le (each 0 to 127), how do I specify which bank I wanna use ?
Many thanks in advance.


I mean do I have to assign values to both cc#0 and cc#32, or is there an easier way to do it ? Thanks for your help. J.-P.


Dear Jean-Philippe,
I have a Masterkeyboard that I normally do not use for sound generation, thus I'm not too firm with controlling it from any DAW resp. energyXT. But I just tried to change banks on it right now with the CC0 / CC32 approach and it just worked fine to select one of four user banks with just using CC32 and assigning it a value between 0 and 3.
I even didn't need to use CC0.
Thus - at least for my external keyboard - it seems to be quite easy to do what you want and I can't think of an easier way...
If this approach doesn't work for you than maybe adjusting one or some (MIDI) settings on your TRITON Le will help.
Good luck,


Thanks Patrik. I suppose I must program CC#s the same way if I wanna program Reverbs, Delays into my external synth.
The best !


Yes, quite the same for everything controllable on your external synth.
But be aware that you can also use MIDI envelopes, where it is possible to draw envelopes for the CC's.
Also - if you intend to frequently work with your Triton - think about saving a project with several settings/tunings for it as default project.
And If you want to be able to start/stop recording or playback in energyXT via keys on your Triton, you may be interested in using free utility plugin 'XT2 transport control' by InsertPizHere (


Many thanks Patrik for all those valuable advices.
I still have a problem. Let's say I have a piano on Ch 1, and a bass on ch 2. When I play this bass channel on EnergyXT, I hear Piano and bass, when I just want to hear bass. I'm sure there is something to do so I'll hear only the instruments assigned to the MIDI channels ( not sure I'm clear but pardon my poor english...!)
Have a good day !


Did you set the Midi channels for each track in energyXT too?
If not, try to do so. Activate track by clicking on track header (left of sequencer area) and have a look at the object bar (top of sequencer (press 'o', if not shown)). There you can see a 'M.Ch'. Set it to different channels for all tracks.
Also there may be some relevant settings on the Triton itself. On my master keyboard I can set some different Midi modes (Omni, Poly and Multi) and I need to select Multi there. And then there is also - in energyXT again - the Monitor option that could have an effect. Main menu (at the top) -> Option -> Monitor. Play around with Off, Auto, Manual and Record to see what happens...
... And remember to save your projects frequently - energyXt will probably crash from time to time - it just did here when playing with MIDI Out...


Did you set the Midi channels for each track in energyXT too?
If not, try to do so. Activate track by clicking on track header (left of sequencer area) and have a look at the object bar (top of sequencer (press 'o', if not shown)). There you can see a 'M.Ch'. Set it to different channels for all tracks.
Also there may be some relevant settings on the Triton itself. On my master keyboard I can set some different Midi modes (Omni, Poly and Multi) and I need to select Multi there. And then there is also - in energyXT again - the Monitor option that could have an effect. Main menu (at the top) -> Option -> Monitor. Play around with Off, Auto, Manual and Record to see what happens...
... And remember to save your projects frequently - energyXt will probably crash from time to time - it just did here when playing with MIDI Out...


One more problem, dear Patrik : Each time I try to assign a tempo value in the field, it always goes to 140.00 bpm...I must do something wrong but can't figure out...Your help would be much appreciated !


jpggk wrote:One more problem, dear Patrik : Each time I try to assign a tempo value in the field, it always goes to 140.00 bpm...I must do something wrong but can't figure out...Your help would be much appreciated !
Maybe while toying around you played with the tempo track?
This tempo track can be shown or hidden.
It's the 5th symbol (from the left - a note) on the sequencer (tool)bar.^
If the tempo track is shown, then maybe at some place you have added a certain tempo.
This would have the effect, that tempo changes to what is set there.
To get rid of a tempo change right click on it to either delete this one or all tempo changes.

Did the previous Midi channel solution help?


Dear Patrik,

You were right, some tempo had been added in the tempo track, but thanks to you I've been able to delete it.
The MIDI channel solution you gave me was very helpful. Thanks a lot.

Now I'm searching for the shortcut key or mouse action to " cancel all edits" when I'm in the Midi sequencer mode...
Have a great day !



Hallo Jean-Philippe

Here is a list of shortcuts:

I doubt though that something like 'cancel all edits' does exist.

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