Some VIP Questions.

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Hello Big Tick.

Glad to see you're well into the Kore replacement I've wanted for so long :D

A couple of questions, if I may:-

1) When I use Omnisphere (for example), I tend to create a multi - namely one instance of Omnisphere with however many voices (patches) within this. How would VIP cope with that? Would each searched-for voice load a separate instance of Omnisphere (or part thereof) or could a VIP multi address several voices within one instance of Omnisphere?

2) Is there any likelihood that VST 3 will be addressed in the future. I'd like to be able to access my Steinberg plugins one day but no biggie if this won't happen.

3) Same (as 2) for effects.

Many thanks.


LittleBoog wrote: 1) When I use Omnisphere (for example), I tend to create a multi - namely one instance of Omnisphere with however many voices (patches) within this. How would VIP cope with that? Would each searched-for voice load a separate instance of Omnisphere (or part thereof) or could a VIP multi address several voices within one instance of Omnisphere?
Disclaimer: I don't speak for Akai, so everything I say here is non-official.

I don't have Omnisphere to test this, but I believe that if you press the 'import' button in VIP, it will import your Omnisphere multi into a VIP single-patch. You can then recall that patch (in which case it will load one instance of Omnisphere with all its internal voices), or put that patch in a VIP Multi (where it will be layered with other plugins, possibly other Omnisphere instances).
2) Is there any likelihood that VST 3 will be addressed in the future. I'd like to be able to access my Steinberg plugins one day but no biggie if this won't happen.

3) Same (as 2) for effects.
All of these are identified features for future updates, but I can't comment on priorities, partly because they depend on user's feedback and requests. So make sure you send your requests to Akai.


Disclaimer noted :wink:

Many thanks for those answers. Both extremely positive as far as I'm concerned. Keyboard arriving Wednesday, so I'm looking forward to getting to grips with VIP.

I will post the question to Akai.

Thanks again.

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