Kontakt 5 and Concert Strings2 Playback Volume Problem

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I've been trying to find an answer to this problem online with no luck whatsoever, so I thought I'd see if someone on this forum who has worked with this Kontakt 5 issue might have a solution.

Recently, I upgraded to Kontakt 5 in order to use Spotlight Strings and other libraries that are coming out, like Concert Strings 3. When I started to use K5, I loaded a rather large template using Concert Strings 2 that I had created under Kontakt 4. When I played back the score that uses this template, I noticed that at certain times, the volume level drops to nearly inaudible levels on few of the tracks in the score. It doesn't always happen, like when I stop the playback, and solo just the 'offending' track at the place where the volume drops to nearly nothing. It sometimes plays back at normal volumes, and sometimes it doesn't.

If I load the CS2 template back into Kontakt 4, no problems.

This may not really be a Concert Strings 2 related issue, but short of recreating the template under Kontakt 5, and hoping for the best with no guarantee that this would even correct the problem, has anyone ever run into this issue with K5, and found a solution? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



Just a thought:
Load your K4 template into K5 and save it under a new name as a K5 template.
Try editing the new template (if necessary) leaving the original K4 template intact.
MixBus 5 - Studio One Pro 3 - SynFire Pro
Windows 10 Pro - Core i5 - 16GB RAM - Focusrite Saffire Solo - RME Babyface


Oddly enough, I stumbled onto a solution for the Kontakt forum:

https://www.native-instruments.com/foru ... 878/page-2

Midway down the page they discuss the audio level differences when using Instrument Banks in Kontakt 4 (which I use a lot) versus Kontakt 5. When I imported the individual instruments into Kontakt 5 from the Kontakt 4 multi, everything started to magically work as expected. Actually, it sounded a bit better than before. I guess Instrument Banks seem to add a layer of sonic complexity to the mix, if I understand the forum thread correctly.



Glad you got it solved.

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