What was the first computer you owned?

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T-CM11 wrote:Trackballs?
Probably, I had forgot the name :oops:

The cool thing was that they were detachable, so they could be removed when putting the laptop in the bag.

Those laptop keyboards back then were made for typing, I just can't dig the chiclet keyboards these days, it's like the revenge of Sir Sinclair :D



The first Computer that I have ever seen was one called "KC85" from former GDR.
I don't know if any music program existed...we were just playing games on it... :P

A C64 was the first one I owned...
Can this thread be erased?
Im tired of the fanboys and the clueless know it alls.


Spectrum 48K, and before that I had the honor of playing with my brothers Commodore PET (with floppy) and a host of other 1980's beasts such as Apricot's, Apples, Super Brains and IBM's.

Just a handful of Degree engineers new how they worked, if they broke down, it took a whole day to repair them, and then it was trial and error to get them to boot again, even the engineers where unsure of how to deal with situations when they came up.

? what happened to all the floppy's in the world, I never see them now, have they made up a trash layer in the earths crust ?


Sir Sinclair's ZX81.
Learned programming (Basic, Assembler) on it.


Proxima4 wrote: ? what happened to all the floppy's in the world, I never see them now, have they made up a trash layer in the earths crust ?


I still have a set of punch cards here. :scared:
If a billion people believe a stupid thing it is still a stupid thing


486 DX2, DOS 5, two floppy drives (3,5'' and 5,25'') and huge 40 MEGABYTES hard drive of 5,25'' proportions.
SoundCloud * Albums:"Elarchimeriac" "Imnixtimnuor" "Paustiufrutaa"
Join me and other ambient music passionates at AmbientOnline.org


UltraJv wrote:Compukit uk101 :

Thanks. Nice one. That temporarily activated a long dormant brain cell, and remembered my single board 6502 was a kim-1.


Had forgot (or never knew) that it was a direct lineal ancestor to the commodore pet, and then on to c64.

The only useful task the kim-1 performed except nerd fun, was in prototyping a theatrical lighting board with scene memory.

First "hard drive" was used with a mac 512, expanded to a whopping 2 mb memory with a clip on memory board as big as the main board. It was a scsi removable cartridge drive. Can't recall if the cartridges were 5, 10, or 20 mb. Then later those old syquest removable cartridge drives.

But that first system was more like "ruggedized" 5 inch floppy media in hard plastic cases. It was actually fairly reliable and fast for the time period.


ccDuckett wrote:Tombstone City was a strange yet addictive game.
This was my first as well, with a tape recorder for data storage.


ATARI 130 XE. I was blown away by game tunes such as Rob Hubbard's Jet Set Willy.


Sure...why not?

The first one was a Commodore VIC-20, which I learned some BASIC programming on before moving to the Commodore-64c. and Dr. T's KCS (Keyboard-Controlled Sequencer).

A 486-SX clone followed, but I kept that Commodore-64c for sound effects.

I've bought several computers over the years, and each one has been faster and better than the one before it. But I don't seem to be getting any better as a "computer musician". :shrug:

Here's some of my stuff: https://soundcloud.com/shadowsoflife. If you hear something you like, I'm looking for collaborators.


Commodre 64 with Floppy 1541 :D

For music making it was a Pentium 4
Image stardustmedia - high end analog music services - murat


My first computer was a ZX Spectrum (the one with rubber keys). My first "music" computer was a Macintosh SE30 (a real "bomb" thanks to the then newest Motorola 68030).
Last edited by fmr on Thu Feb 19, 2015 9:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
Fernando (FMR)


Yamaha CX5m (MSX), bought in the year of our Lord 1984! :D
64KB RAM, if I remember well :) . Originally with the SFG-01, later upgraded to the SFG-05. I still have both synths and each of them is the equivalent to an FB-01 4op FM module. Also with the YK-10 4octave keyboard (the one with the full size keys).
Thanks to this thread, while googling for a good image, I found out that there are still enthusiasts of this machine making software and even hardware addons for it! :o :) http://www.cx5m.net/
It's an incredibly resilient machine, mine still works (contrary to my Atari 1040 ST that died 1995 :( ). I also have the DX7 editor cartridge (TX7 in my case) though I don't have the patience to use it anymore -- too much hassle with the need for a tv as monitor, etc.... and nowadays not a great fan of the 4op FM sound either...
er... keep on rocking (despite all obstacles :shrug: ) :band2:



Though I could never get it to play any games.
So I traded it for my best friend's BBC Micro B...

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