audioD3CK’s free x-mas frenzy Q & A thread

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!! audioD3CK’s free x-mas frenzy !!

Starting today we have a very special offer to make where you can give a Christmas present to yourself, audioD3CK and rest of the world!

If we manage to sell licenses of audioD3CK’s software worth 12.345 € until December the 24th 2014, we will reduce the prices for all our licenses to 0 € (free!) for the time between Christmas and new years eve (24.12.2014 - 31.12.2014)!

That would give free access to all our software for everyone in the world who has access to the internet (including you). Of course, the free software will still work after it is no longer available for free, in exactly the same way as if you bought the software at the regular price.

In case we reach our goal of 12.345 € what will happen is:
  • -licenses for all(!) our software can be obtained free of charge for the time period of 24.12.2014 - 31.12.2014
    -licenses bought from now until December the 24th 2014 will get extended to include the next major version (e.g. 2.x)

To participate you simply have to buy a license of an audioD3CK product until December the 24th 2014. You can also help by spreading the word all over the web in whatever way you like. For questions or feedback we've set up a thread on our forum over at KVR.

So let's make this a merry x-mas for all of us!
In this thread, you can give feedback or ask questions about the "group buy".




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