New: TSW Pro II

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Dear friends and customers,

now available: the new TSW Pro II VST!

It is a sample-based synthesizer workstation and comes with a huge 2.4 GB sample library content and over 2.000 Presets.

TSW Pro II VST is powered by the ws5-engine and also available as library-only version.

The concept behind the new TSW Pro II is providing the unique soundworld of sample-based synthesizers in the tradition of the famous 80s instruments Roland D50, Korg Wavestation, Ensoniq VFX. The sample content covers analog and digital synth samples, acoustic and electric and typical ethnic instruments as well as a massive collection of sound effects, scenes and atmospheres. A special section with pure attack one-shots allows the typical layering of them together with strings, pads, choirs to create those fantastic layer sounds. And the wavesequencers make the pads moving like nothing else. TSW Pro II combines the world of the 80s with today's high quality sampling technology and experienced sounddesigner's tricks. Now you can have the beloved 80s sounds and brandnew sound creations too!

We did several audio tracks mp3 with in total more than 40 minutes length:

TSW Pro II Track 1
TSW Pro II Track 2
TSW Pro II Track 3
TSW Pro II Track 4

More audio tracks and TSW Pro II details on the product page

Price: Euro 98,--, download product (optional DVD), size 2.4 GB with over 2.000 Presets.

Upgrade option: Registered owners of TSW Pro can upgrade to the new TSW Pro II for Euro 29.00.

With kind regards




I see that there is an upgrade path which is not too costly, but what exactly is the difference between old and new version ?

As an owner of the former TSW version AND of WS5, I guess that if the upgrade is just the old package going with a new engine, I'll pass.
Conversely, if new samples and presets have been added, well I may be in... but that I'd need to know.

Can you give us some more precisions about the PRO II enhancements ?

Thanks !


Dear Gilles,

thanks for the interest in the upgrade. Of course there is new content inside. We added about 300 MB sample content with carefully designed samples especially to create those typical 80s sample-based synth sounds. Also there are now 2.000 Presets in total, this means over 1.000 are brandnew. You can listen to the audio tracks on the product page where we have more than 30 minutes of Presets demonstrations to get you an impression what is all about.

Best regards



Thanks Julia for clarification,

I guess that makes this upgrade a no-brainer, and I will do so very shortly.



Hi, Julia:

I am really glad to see this new update! I am a registered owner of the TSW Pro sound set only version, without the VST instrument. I noticed that the upgrade option on the BITR website is 29.00 Euro for the TSW Pro VST instrument version (as listed on the TSW Pro VSTi product page, in the bottom left hand corner). Is there a soundset only upgrade option for TSW Pro 2 upgrade, or is the VSTi version the only one? I already own WusikStation v5. I really look forward to getting this update! I have always loved TSW!



Dear Baxter,

thanks so much for the kind words!

The upgrade price for the library-only version is the same.

Best regards



Hello, Julia:

I recently purchased the TSW Pro II soundset upgrade, and I must say that I am very pleased with it! I remember reading somewhere that there was a fourth bank of presets that were still being worked on, and would be released later. I was wondering if you might be able to give me some idea of when this might happen?



Dear Baxter,

great that you like the new TSW Pro II version!

The one missing soundbank is already done, but must be approved by Klaus. Because he is currently at the Frankfurt Musikmesse presenting the new Arturia Origin synthesizer he is not available for us and the approval is shifted to next week.

Best regards



Hi, Julia!

Thanks very much for your reply. I will be eagerly looking forward to next week! I hope that Musikmesse is a great success for Back In Time Records. You all do terrific work and have great products, so it should be!

Thanks again,


Update info:

Klaus started the Presets approval of the soundbank 4 today. As soon as he gives me the Go I will send out the soundbank to all TSW Pro II owners.

Best regards



Next update info:

The TSW Pro II Presets bank #4 is approved and I will send it to all TSW Pro II customers during the next days. If someone is still missing the mail with this bank by tuesday, then please send a short request message.

Happy Easter




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