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Im a noob.
I know nothing about manipulating this vst.
I have tweaked the "basssub" preset to my liking.
I am just have one problem.
It will sound the way I want it for 4 bars or some then morph and be very low to where I cant even here it.
Not sure if anyone can even help me with this but.. eh.
Thanks in advance.


Maybe you could set the LFO Mod knob in the filter section to the minimum setting...

As a result, you might have to re-adjust the filter cutoff to get the sound you want, unless you expected a high-pass filter built into the plug-in. ;)

Lizard2 happens to be one of my favorite plug-ins by Krakli. It's a bit limited compared to others I use capable of FM, but I still use it and like it. I wish it could respond to MIDI note velocity...

BTW what preset do you speak of?! It's not in the built-in bank. There are a couple of presets called "Sub Bass" and similar...


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