I'm a classically trained pianist. Because of my playing style, I have always had problem controlling velocity on a synth-action keyboard. Playing on semi-weighted keyboards has a "fake" feel that always distract me even though all I'm trying to do is to input notes into my sequencer.
For a long time I just place a Studiologic SL-880 next to my workstation but ever since I bought an Axiom-49, I've never touched the SL-880 again. That said, the keyboard feel has often annoyed me so much that I would lose my musical ideas.
After not being very successful with Google searches for "49 61 hammer action keyboard -88" I thought that perhaps it's just easier to make a post here to figure out if they even exist, as I've never come across one...
Any replies, suggestions, and links to product pages, etc, would be great appreciated. DIY or custom solutions will also be considered, though please do not suggest anything beyond 2,000USD.
http://www.seeminglee.com/ (http://www.seeminglee.com/)