Trouble downloading

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I'm new to VSTi, and have been downloading some things. I love the sound of the M42 Nebula on Tim's great demos!

But it's taken a lot of patience to download them, because for me with many files on the site - both .mp3 and program files - the file starts to download but immediately goes to "finished" with less than 100KB actually downloaded. If I keep trying to DL it, eventually the file gets built up about 100KB at a time (frustrating).

Tim's demos are so great I hardly mind hitting download 40 times to get the file, but I thought you should know about this problem.

I download from many sites with no problems at all, but get this problem repeatedly from I'm a dial-up customer located in the US using Earthlink, connecting at about 45 kbps.

I hope you can solve this issue, in case there are other people missing out on your truly excellent offerings just because of DL problems. Thanks.



Try just "opening" the file instead and then when it is done, save it. That should make it work - or if it is a compressed file, then winzip, winrar or whatever compression you use will open automatically and you can decompress it from there.



HI and thanks for yout post and comments on the Mp3's as well.

We are aware of the problem, but its hard to figure out what is going on. Some people have no problems while others have problems. Its a real msytery to us!



tconrardy wrote:HI and thanks for yout post and comments on the Mp3's as well.

We are aware of the problem, but its hard to figure out what is going on. Some people have no problems while others have problems. Its a real msytery to us!

It could well be a firewall problem. I discovered that I could only play the first few seconds of any mp3 (from several sources). I temporarily disabled Zonealarm and was able to play


Thanks for the replies. I wish you success in all ventures, and hope you can find out what causes this problem for some users. I would hate to see anyone miss out on your great offerings for technical reasons. Maybe nobody is getting rich from softsynths, but if you can afford it you might try mirroring the VSTi's and mp3's on a U.S. server. Just a thought...

Tim, you do a lot of synth work, but I get the feeling you really loved working with the M42 Nebula. It shows in the demos.



Hi Pianoman

Yeah..I have a great love for M42, and has a certain majic about it. I still go back to it as well and is my fav synth. It tends to get in most of my music.


Hi there
Still having trouble downloading the V2 archive. I've tried it on a machine with no firewall, no antivirus, no download managers, nothing. Still just get 80K and then it finishes. I've tried just opening the file - same thing. I can download the Ambient soundfont archive OK; I can't open it with the password I got in the email though, it says incorrect password.

Tim - If you don't know what is causing this intermittent problem, how about emailing the two archives to me. I have broadband and no limit on attachments. (


Hi there
Fixed the download problem. It works if you select 'Run' rather than 'Save' on the dialog box. If that's what folks meant by 'Open' - my apologies for being so slow.
anyway, up and running now, and M42 is even better than ever. well done Tim!!


brendan5987 wrote:Hi there
Still having trouble downloading the V2 archive. I've tried it on a machine with no firewall, no antivirus, no download managers, nothing. Still just get 80K and then it finishes. I've tried just opening the file - same thing. I can download the Ambient soundfont archive OK; I can't open it with the password I got in the email though, it says incorrect password.

Tim - If you don't know what is causing this intermittent problem, how about emailing the two archives to me. I have broadband and no limit on attachments. (
Hi guys,

Believe it or not, but I'm having this weird problem myself. For me it helps if I download and save the file OVER the old (incomplete) one, several times if necessary, until it starts to download at 'normal' speed. I may be wrong of course but I think this whole problem started when I installed Firefox...

BTW: One user reported that he could fix the problem by having another browser (IE) -open- while downloading.

Anyway, I plan to phone Lycos tomorrow about the issue.



BTW: One user reported that he could fix the problem by having another browser (IE) -open- while downloading.
I've just tried this 'fix' myself and I can confirm that it works.
So, if you download with IE, then first start Firefox (the other way around may work also, although I haven't tested this yet).

I know, it's a weird solution for an even weirder problem, but it seems at least to confirm my suspicion that Firefox has something to do with this mess...



Hate to ask..BUT

anybody still have trouble downloading??



"Trouble" dosn't quite cover it,
I have downloaded this file so many times I wish I was getting air miles. I have tried IE, Firefox, both open, one open etc. I have tried, run and save every download is corrupt.
I tried the WinRar repair function and when it ran diagnostics it listed 26 errors in the file.
I would suspect that the errors are in the compaction, how about a Winzip file or an uncompacted file, it would take less time than I have spent downloading so far.
Anything, please,

Dave H.


dave175 wrote:"Trouble" dosn't quite cover it,
I have downloaded this file so many times I wish I was getting air miles. I have tried IE, Firefox, both open, one open etc. I have tried, run and save every download is corrupt.
I tried the WinRar repair function and when it ran diagnostics it listed 26 errors in the file.
I would suspect that the errors are in the compaction, how about a Winzip file or an uncompacted file, it would take less time than I have spent downloading so far.
Anything, please,

Dave H.
no..thats not the problem becuase there have been hundreds who have downloaded them OK with no problems, however with "some" that do have issues. But we think it has to do with the web space we are on, and we are seriusly looking into the issue , and may even try a new webspace for downloads.



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