v3 Beta Feedback And Discussion (Bugs, Features, Suggestions)

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Dear Attila,

here's the screenshot about the empty window with the chord-suggestions on Windows 7, X86:
It does, however, now work on the OS x side! (Dunno what fixed it, but no matter.)

Regarding the VST-problem in Ableton: That's still unchanged.
The path to the last version seems correct.
https://www.evernote.com/l/ACSTodDKJ3RF ... BYoOmRwnCI

Here, you see that little window in Ableton, that says "Bring RC to Top". But when I click on it, nothing happens.

Thanks for your efforts. It's indeed getting better! Very good service from your side, much appreciated.


Shit, my screenshots didn't display. (Can't I edit my posts right after posting?)
I'm posting all three of them again:
1.) Image
2.) Image
3.) Image



Ah, and there's another problem on the Mac-side:
I keep getting the message: "Error '2 during setting up the VST bridge. Please kill all hanging applications and restart Rapid Composer."
This also happens, when no other audio-application is running.


I also have this problem (as the previous post)


Where can I download (link) the actual version v.3 for Mac ? Which is the latest version? Attila, can you please announce in this thread, when a new beta-version is available.
Last edited by wibem on Tue Nov 17, 2015 9:26 am, edited 1 time in total.


Hi Attila,

first of all thx for the new version and beta testing opportunity! :)

Here's a report of strange behaviour: Tried to import a midi-file but obviously it's so "full" that it exceeds the monitor. But there's no scroll bar coming up. Probably it's due to the midifile itself. I you want I can send it to you by mail.

(Win taskbar is hidden, screenshot shows the whole monitor display)


musicdevelopments wrote:
dsan@mail.com wrote: So, to test the above theory, I removed the "Chord Phrase Generator and got this:
(embarrassing picture)

To confirm the crash I re-opened RC and went through the steps and after 4 "Regenerate" RC crashes again. :shrug:
(another embarrassing picture)

Attila, please let me know if more info is needed.

Hi dsan,

thank you for reporting this bug!
Yes, please send me the steps that lead to this crash. This would be very important to fix.

So sorry for the delay in response; however, it seems this bug has worked itself out :shrug:

I have been unable to reproduce this since the last crash. It is likely there was something within the previous composition RC did not like; however, after the last crash when I re-opened and RC reloaded the compositon, I immediately created a "New" composition.

As far as I recall, it happened when working in the Phrase Container Dialog, deleting some of the possible phrase generators (the first crash) and "Regenerating" the phrase after adding a generator (the second crash).

All is well so far, keeping my fingers crossed ;)

BTW - You should not feel bad when bugs happen. This is the reason for BETA testing. TBH, I always feel like I have let you down if I don't find something. I know how important an issue bugs are to you. So please don't feel bad. :tu:

Anyone BETA testing should know, finding bugs is the task at hand. Do not rely on a BETA to be stable and never assume your work is safe. This is the nature of BETA's.

I'll let you know if I run across anything else.

Thank you very much!

Best regards,
My DAW System:
W7, i5, x64, 8Gb Ram, Edirol FA-101


I think a bug still remains in the Phrase Inspector. I am using V3.0b2 (x64)

Open a new comp.

Drop a chord generator (I tried Bass and Chord) anywhere.

Select it and right click for the Phrase Inspector window.

Select "magic wand".

For Rhythm pick "Manual Editing".

Make any changes and hit SAVE.

After this it will eventually lock-up if you make more changes, especially changing the "Length" parameter up/down.

<EDIT> I just saw that apply rhythm variation is still on the to-do list, so I guess I jumped the gun on this one- sorry!
Last edited by BluesMuse on Tue Nov 17, 2015 6:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
Too many DAWs and plug-ins


Hi Attila,

Thank you for this beta, very nice! :tu:

I really like the feature of being able to add the Midi Track Controllers to the panel with the Track Instrument Labels. One thing that I noticed is if I adjust these sliders the track freezes visually ... does not seem to effect the audio, though.


Not sure if it is a Windows 10 thing. I'm using v3.0b2 (x64)



Hi Attila,

I also just noticed that when adding the Track MIDI Controllers, 'Expression' seems to be randomly added below.

View Video



Nextom wrote:Dear Attila,

here's the screenshot about the empty window with the chord-suggestions on Windows 7, X86:
It does, however, now work on the OS x side! (Dunno what fixed it, but no matter.)

Regarding the VST-problem in Ableton: That's still unchanged.
Hello Thomas,

I managed to reproduce and fix the empty "Chord Suggestions" window.

>I keep getting the message: "Error '2 during setting up the VST bridge. Please kill all hanging applications and restart Rapid Composer."

This happens when a previous unloaded instance of RapidComposer exist. This is not a serious error, because only one instance of RapidComposer can set up the communication with RC VST plug-ins. However this signals that a previously run RapidComposer did not quit properly, probably because of previous attempts when the VST plug-in wanted to load the application. Please check "Activity Monitor" and remove RapidComposer.
Will you try to load the VST plug-in in Reaper? It must work, because I am using (mainly) Reaper for testing the plug-in.

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


wibem wrote:Where can I download (link) the actual version v.3 for Mac ? Which is the latest version? Attila, can you please announce in this thread, when a new beta-version is available.
Hello wibem,

yes, I always announce it in this topic when a new version is available. Current beta version is v3.0b2, I'll post an update in about 2 days, because recently lots of smaller issues were fixed (and a bigger one). You will find how to construct the download link in the first post in this topic (link should not be posted publicly).

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


elassi wrote:Hi Attila,

first of all thx for the new version and beta testing opportunity! :)

Here's a report of strange behaviour: Tried to import a midi-file but obviously it's so "full" that it exceeds the monitor. But there's no scroll bar coming up. Probably it's due to the midifile itself. I you want I can send it to you by mail.
Hi elassi,
thank you for your feedback!
Sorry about it, this is a known issue that will be fixed shortly after v3.0, when MIDI import will be improved.
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


dsan@mail.com wrote: BTW - You should not feel bad when bugs happen. This is the reason for BETA testing.

Hi Dennis,
I can't help it, bugs indicate that I did something wrong. When I make a mistake, it is embarrassing because immediately hundreds of people realize that I messed up something. Well, maybe not with the beta version, which is downloaded by only a few enthusiastic users.
dsan@mail.com wrote: TBH, I always feel like I have let you down if I don't find something.
No! Believe me, I am the happiest when someone says he has not found any problems. Or when a bug worked itself out :)

Best regards,
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


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