SoftClipper, and now SmoothClipper

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Effects Discussion


DuX wrote:You asked if we would find a mono version useful. Yes please, we would! Wholeheartedly! :)

I mean, when recording and mixing real drums and instruments they are mostly recorded in mono. All drums are always recorded in mono. Only overheads are recorded in stereo. So it's only logical to keep them mono until they hit FX like reverb or delay etc. Only people who do everything in the box usually use only stereo channels for everything, probably even fart samples. :) Also, a mono version should use a bit less CPU. Not that there's an issue with CPU consumption with your plugin, but less CPU consumption is always welcome. ;)

I'll get to work on it, but I've never made a mono plugin because my host is strictly stereo, a fact I don't enjoy. I'll have to find a way to test it.


As I stated in the other clipper thread, I’d love to have a clipper like GClip or bx_limiter but, if possible, more transparent. Both of those plugins allow to process audio without changing any gain levels; I can simply specify a cutoff point and everything gets chopped off at that point. I’m not totally sure, but by looking at your description it seems that your tool operates in the same manner, which means, it can be super useful. If this is the case, then perhaps it would be easier to just dial in a db number that would indicates where the signal gets cropped, rather than having to drive it into some internal wall. I don’t know if what I wrote makes any sense ( I hope it does) but, in any case, I’ll be trying this plugin tomorrow.
Thank you
Montreal Serai-featuring diverse arts; poems; essays, cinema & music reviews, coverage of alternative media


Camsr, as far as I gathered you use Reaper as the host? Me, too. Reaper is not strictly stereo, but you do have to make it work in mono, and that' s one of my main gripes with it. :/ It has always been. To make a plugin work in mono you have to play with the routing and untick the other channel, always. Unless the plugin takes care of it and have a "mono" button in itself that saves you time tinkering with Reaper's routing every time you load a plugin.

If Reaper only had mono tracks... it would be so much easier to mix with it and even more audio professionals would embrace it. This whole stereo/mono thing about Reaper is kinda embarrassing for Cockos. But I learned how to deal with it. I hope some day the Reaper devs will have a "eureka" and finally implement a mono audio track and thus forcing plugins to be mono automatically saving us who use mono tracks lots of mousing-about-time. :)
It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. - Jiddu Krishnamurti


IDK, can you PM me as to how you setup a Mono track in reaper? I only use it for testing plugins.


I've been working on the algorithm and this new version, dubbed "SmoothClipper" I think sounds a bit better on a full mix.
The change of name is based on the fact this one has 'C1 continuity'.


Very glad to see this! Downloaded, installed and... I’m pleased :D  ….Would be super grateful for the x64. My system is extremely unstable when bridging into 32x world.
Montreal Serai-featuring diverse arts; poems; essays, cinema & music reviews, coverage of alternative media


Yeah it will come, eventually, I just don't want to present THIS one as the final version.


x64 smoothclipper is here now.
Sorry that took so long, been wrangling my compiler and IDE and though I might have broke something


is it oversampled?

in the box clipping really needs x4 pversample if you want to drive it hard


No it's not. A higher project sample rate is recommended. Anything below 96khz will sound aliased, if the input has a lot of treble.


So, just wondering if there are some opinions out there, and if it's working as you'd like it to?


Its better then the former version, that's for sure :tu:
Professional technicians are assessed by the abilities they possess.
Amateur technicians are assessed by the tools they possess - and the amount of those tools, with an obvious preference to the latest hyped ones.
(Gabe Dumbbell)

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