iZotope Iris 2

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Instruments Discussion
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Annual Subscription for Iris Presets Iris 2


See the topic of PS VITA. They sell features to people who doesn't exist until today. So they will get now money back (25 Dollar or 50 Dollar) as compensation.

iZotope does the same thing here :S but I hope extremely that they fix it ;)
Synth Anatomy
Sound Design and Software / IOS Synthesizer Videochannel


Sampleconstruct wrote:Anything sells these days.
NB: If it can be labelled 'Analog'. ;-)

If it were easy, anybody could do it!


Spitfire31 wrote:
Sampleconstruct wrote:Anything sells these days.
NB: If it can be labelled 'Analog'. ;-)

Yes, I forgot to add that.


aMUSEd wrote:Has anyone managed to assign midi cc manually? (by typing in the number)
Anyone - or another bug?


TabSel wrote: There won't be any improvements to the the spectral editing, I bet.

I'd hoped for not only masking (on/off) spectra, but in fact EDITING, like raise/lower gain "masks" (indicated by mask transparency level), that are X/Y-modulateable, for example.
this is the kind of improvements i was hoping for and would consider paying for as an upgrade
gadgets an gizmos..make noise https://soundcloud.com/crystalawareness Restocked: 3/24
old stuff http://ww.dancingbearaudioresearch.com/
if this post is edited -it was for punctuation, grammar, or to make it coherent (or make me seem coherent).


Hi Everyone - I had a giant long message for you but have to keep this brief so I don't upset the spam filter.

Thank you so much for your patience over the past week since Iris 2 came out. I can tell this has been incredibly frustrating for you, and please know that we all feel awful and want to make this right. Your input and bug reports have been critically important to hunting down the worst of the problems, and we hope to have you some answers very soon. We want to make sure we get this absolutely right so we don’t inconvenience Iris 1 users any more than you already have been.

We have an incredible collection of bugs now from your crowdsourced reports but don’t want you to continue going crazy trying to get your Iris 1 patches to work in Iris 2 until we have a solution for you. I encourage you to keep making great music with your original patches in Iris 1, and developing new music in Iris 2. There are so many great feature requests, so please keep them coming. I fear I may miss some of them in this long thread, so it would be helpful if you could send them to me via email ( brad at izotope.com ) so I can keep track of them.

Please keep the emails coming, keep making great music, and have a nice Thanksgiving wherever you are.

All the best,


izobradford wrote:Hi Everyone - I had a giant long message for you but have to keep this brief so I don't upset the spam filter.
No spam filter here Brad. Please post the rest.


I think there is some sort of filter for the first 5 posts or something


aMUSEd wrote:I think there is some sort of filter for the first 5 posts or something
Ah, ok, my bad!

Break it up into smaller chunks?


That's just calm down talk, I bet. There won't be smaller chunks posted, I bet. Sorry to be so negative, but been there, seen that.

What will feature requests yield, now. There was a official survey about Iris 1 and feature requests and improvements. Why, when nothing seems to be implemented in v2? We shall now again mail feature requests and improvements? Come on, what for? Does anyone believe that there will be features added/improvements made to v2? Or at least with v3? Considering the "upgraded features" from v1 to v2? Really?

Fix the bugs, that's what they are obliged to! But don't ask for feature requests and improvements, you sure know that this will result in false assumptions by your consumers. May be that's what you're after? Eagerly waiting and calm and hopeful consumers, instead of angry consumers criticizing your product in the net?

Prove me wrong, please! Talk about your plans, make details official!


izobradford wrote:Hi Everyone - I had a giant long message for you but have to keep this brief so I don't upset the spam filter.

Thank you so much for your patience over the past week since Iris 2 came out. I can tell this has been incredibly frustrating for you, and please know that we all feel awful and want to make this right. Your input and bug reports have been critically important to hunting down the worst of the problems, and we hope to have you some answers very soon. We want to make sure we get this absolutely right so we don’t inconvenience Iris 1 users any more than you already have been.

We have an incredible collection of bugs now from your crowdsourced reports but don’t want you to continue going crazy trying to get your Iris 1 patches to work in Iris 2 until we have a solution for you. I encourage you to keep making great music with your original patches in Iris 1, and developing new music in Iris 2. There are so many great feature requests, so please keep them coming. I fear I may miss some of them in this long thread, so it would be helpful if you could send them to me via email ( brad at izotope.com ) so I can keep track of them.

Please keep the emails coming, keep making great music, and have a nice Thanksgiving wherever you are.

All the best,
Hi Brad,

are you from Izotope? i didnt follow this topic anymore cause it made me depressed. can you check if your pricing system has a bug too for Iris v1 users?

DAW FL Studio Audio Interface Focusrite Scarlett 1st Gen 2i2 CPU Intel i7-7700K 4.20 GHz, RAM 32 GB Dual-Channel DDR4 @2400MHz Corsair Vengeance. MB Asus Prime Z270-K, GPU Gainward 1070 GTX GS 8GB NT Be Quiet DP 550W OS Win10 64Bit


Sampleconstruct wrote:∂π√π⁄¨ª∂•ø⁄ºƒø⁄¨ªå⁄‚¨ª∂π⁄¨ª‚∂π√⁄¨ª‚•ø¨√º•‚æø⁄∂ºƒ•æ‚ø∂⁄ƒºª∑©∂Ωç⁄Ω©‚ø¨ªƒ⁄øºπ⁄øº‚∂øç
Now ... is that in German or English!?



izobradford wrote:but don’t want you to continue going crazy trying to get your Iris 1 patches to work in Iris 2 until we have a solution for you.
Hm. I guess my question is, are you actually working on a conversion utility, or could that "until" possibly translate to, "never."
Zerocrossing Media

4th Law of Robotics: When turning evil, display a red indicator light. ~[ ●_● ]~


TexLoco5 wrote:
Sampleconstruct wrote:∂π√π⁄¨ª∂•ø⁄ºƒø⁄¨ªå⁄‚¨ª∂π⁄¨ª‚∂π√⁄¨ª‚•ø¨√º•‚æø⁄∂ºƒ•æ‚ø∂⁄ƒºª∑©∂Ωç⁄Ω©‚ø¨ªƒ⁄øºπ⁄øº‚∂øç
Now ... is that in German or English!?

It's the universal language of mathematics - I suspect it's an expletive curve! The plot thickens :D


TexLoco5 wrote:
Sampleconstruct wrote:∂π√π⁄¨ª∂•ø⁄ºƒø⁄¨ªå⁄‚¨ª∂π⁄¨ª‚∂π√⁄¨ª‚•ø¨√º•‚æø⁄∂ºƒ•æ‚ø∂⁄ƒºª∑©∂Ωç⁄Ω©‚ø¨ªƒ⁄øºπ⁄øº‚∂øç
Now ... is that in German or English!?

That's censored unicode, universal swearing against the gods of Iris 2, none of this should be written out in any language, the KVR servers would melt.

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